Alana's First Birthday Part 1

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*3 months later*

Before you all get y'all panties in the bunch I will explain what has happened since the whole drama in DR. Well long story short we found Bow and we wore his ass out and then we fed him to the wolves. I found out Rich was apart of this and well let's just say his ass is still suffering. Isaiah is my big brother and he is also an FBI Agent. Layla is his wife of almost 10 years. They are expecting they first child and I couldn't be happier. Cyn and Siah get along real good and ma hasn't seen him in years so when they met for the first time in years and it was a special reunion. The kids met him and Layla and they are excited to have another Tio and Tia. Everything has been going great with all of us. The real reason why I am here is because our baby girl birthday is coming up and it's her first one and you know we making this one memorable for her. We pretty much have everything done but her cake and gifts

Cyn: Babe

Erica: Yeah

Cyn: What are you going to give our little one

Erica: I don't know yet

Cyn: I want her to have matching outfits with me

Erica: Really

Cyn: From my clothing line, so I did this *shows Erica the clothes*

Erica: Cyn this is absolutely beautiful *holding the clothes* She's gonna love this

Cyn: I wanted to do baby's in the clothing line and Alana is my test baby

Erica: If she loves this then everyone else will

Cyn: I do have more gifts but will be shared at her party

Erica: I only got her one gift and it's a big gift

Cyn: Whatever it is she will love it

Erica: So I'm leaving to hang out with Isaiah and Layla for a few....Do you need anything

Cyn: No babe....Enjoy some time with your bro and sis in law

Erica: I wish you was coming though *pouting*

Cyn: I know but I have work to do and I need to get that done

Erica: Okay babe...I guess I will see you later *kissing Cyn passionately*

After Erica left Cyn took the kids to her office with her and they sat in her office while she was working in the board room. Meanwhile Erica met up with her bro and sis

*meanwhile with Erica*

Erica: Sup bro *hugging him* Hey Layla *hugging her*

Isaiah: Hey sis *sitting down*

Layla: Hey E *sitting down*

Erica: What's been going....Have y'all settled into the Hollywood life

Isaiah: Yes we have *smiling* I retired and now I am living the life

Erica: That's good

Layla: This little munchkin down here *rubbing her belly* Doesn't know the meaning of being still

Erica: Cyn and I both know about that

Isaiah: It's definitely been a learning experience here

Layla: So when's the party

Erica: In two days

Layla: Man I know y'all going all out for her first birthday

Erica: We are but y'all know we meeting at the house first so make sure you two are there

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