Cyn Goes Into Labor Part 1

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*2 weeks later*

It's been almost a year since I have been in this hell hole. Cyn is gonna give birth any day now and I will miss it. I hate this and I know she does too. This whole thing has been a nightmare that I wish would have never happened. I wish I could hold my little girl for the first time and I wish I could hear her first words and see her first steps and....Wait a minute

Guard: Your out of here Mena

Erica: What

Guard: I said let's go

Erica: Okay

They were walking to the front of the prison. As they were walking Erica was getting things in order and out front waiting for her was Albee and Ant


Albee: I'm glad you are okay

Ant: Albee's dude came through.....LATE but he came through

Albee: I'm not trusting no one ever again...Come here best friend *hugging Erica*

Erica: I just want to get home to my wife and kids

Albee: I feel you E

Ant: Let's get you to your family

They all got into the car and drove the 2 hours back home

*meanwhile with Cyn*

I am a whale and I don't have my baby here with me. I hate this so much. Not having Erica here has been hard really hard but we have gotten through it. I am on the way back to the house after dropping the kids off with our parents. I just need to lay down and get some rest. This has been really stressful and it is not good for the baby. When I got into the house I heard some noises and like a typical white girl I went and checked it out. When I didn't hear the noises anymore I went upstairs and laid down

*10 minutes later*

???: Hello Cynthia

Cyn:*wakes up* What are you doing here

???: You really thought I would let you go this easily

Cyn: Why Jonah

???: Jonah...Bitch I'm Raul *taking off his mask*

Cyn: What do you want from me

Raul: I want my son and you out the way

Cyn: I thought we were cool Raul

Raul: You thought Cynthia.....Now Erica is about to lose something you she loves more than anything besides them brats

Cyn: Me

Raul: You damn skippy *grabbing Cyn and carrying her out the house*

Cyn: Raul please don't do this *tears falling*

Raul: I'm sorry Cyn but this is the only way *driving away and talking on the phone* We on our way to the spot....Do it *hangs up*

Cyn: Raul please don't do this

Raul: I'm sorry Cynthia

*meanwhile with Erica*

Erica: Man I'm hungry as shit

Albee: Ant stop somewhere so we can eat

Ant: What do you have in mind Mena

Erica: CHIPOTLE *laughing* My baby's favorite

Albee: OH LOARD *laughing*

Ant: Chipotle it is

Albee: I have my best friend back

A NU Route For HER Part 3: The Final ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now