To Be Someone Else For You~ {Chapter 11}

Start from the beginning

"Thank you Duke, you may take your seat at any open desk." The teacher purred, not making any attempt of hiding the fact she was staring at his still obvious muscles through his white V-neck. I made it a point to act as if I didn't know who he was, but it was too no avail I found out, because he still sat right in front of me. "Elliott." He murmured, leaning back and giving me the warm smile I had grown so fond of back then. "Duuuuke! Oh my gosh, I totally didn't know it was you." I said, sounding less than convincing. "Riiiight." He said and quirked his eyebrow up with a laugh, rolling his eyes. "Well, I knew it was you the moment I walked in. I've missed you El, a lot. I thought I had your number but when I called it, it wasn't connected anymore." I couldn't help but frown and ruffle his hair as I had over and over again way back when. "I had to..since a-all that stuff was happening..." I said, referring to when I started getting bullied. He nodded and took my hand away from his hair, holding it tenderly which caused my breathing to cease. "Well I guess it's a small world. I mean, we're both here!" I laughed awkwardly, trying to take my mind off of his hand. "Ooooor, it's destiny." He gave a wink and turned toward the front, leaving me feeling flushed and overheated.

It turned out that Duke had the next period with me and sixth period. He also insisted that we sit together at lunch. "Hey, El!" Duke sauntered down the hallway and I had to admire how much he's changed since we were younger. "Really filled out." I mumbled unknowingly and Duke laughed loudly. "Well, so did you." He said simply, bumping me lightly. As we walked towards the lunchroom and I held my head in one hand, I saw Harry. I gave him a small wave and smile, but he looked between Duke and I, then furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. I was thoroughly confused and as he walked past, he said "This is going to be interesting." Duke looked at me for help but I simply shook my head and shrugged. "No clue." I said with obvious discomfort. I bumped open the lunch room doors and saw our table in full party as always. "AND SO THAT'S WHY THE CHICKEN WOULD REALLY CROSS THE ROAD." I heard Niall shout over the protesting of Anna and Zurich. "No way!! That's so stupid!!" Liam shot back and slapped Niall in the back of the head. "NO NO IT'S TRUE! I SAW IT HAPPEN ONCE!" He tried to reason. I saw Katlynne shake her head and Louis was laughing loudly. I smiled at the sight of his happiness.

"ELLIOTT, BACK ME UP!" Niall noticed Duke and me and grabbed me by the crook of my elbow, dragging me to the table. Duke followed in toe and Louis and him made tense eye contact. I laughed breezily and scooted in next to Katlynne and Lou. Lou threw his arm around me and nuzzled his head against my neck. "Oi, PDA!" Niall groaned, shielding Katlynne's eyes. "Uh..." Duke was looking at Louis and me with hurt eyes. "Oh, Duke! This is Niall, Liam, Patty, Maeve, Anna, Zurich, Katlynne, and my boyfriend Louis." I inhaled deeply and re caught my breath. "Nice to meet you mate; Harry and Zayn went to go get some food. The cafeteria is kind of shit and they went to get something from the Polar Cap. If we had known about you we would have asked them to get you something." Liam said politely, offering him a seat right next to him that was directly across from me. "Oh that's okay dude." Duke smiled back, shifting his eyes to me. "Oh uhm this is Duke, we used to be friends way back when." I grinned at him and I felt Louis kiss my neck lightly. I tensed my shoulders and pushed Louis away slightly, feeling bad for how awkward our friends must feel.

"yeah, and if I'm not wrong, you had a crush on me." Duke smirked and a spark went through his eyes. I blushed lightly and laughed. "Yeah well we all had stupid crushed when we were younger." I try to brush it off easily, but I saw Anna and Zurich mouth 'oooooh ouch' in sync. I brushed back my hair nervously and felt Louis' hand tighten around mine. "Ouch, stupid? I thought it was a pretty close-to-romance type of crush considering I liked you too." He said with a sigh, playfully putting his elbows on the table and tilting his head. "Oh shut up!" I laughed and slapped at his  arm. He laughed to and I heard a few chuckled around us. "Well I don't think things have changed too much." He said suggestively and I saw Niall's eyes widen. "Except the fact that she has taste now." Louis said abruptly and pulled his tight smile, giving Duke a deadly look. Though Duke obviously wasn't fazed by it. "Excuse me dude, but I think she had taste then." He said challengingly, crossing his arms across his broad chest. "You're right, she had taste. Taste for idiotic, douch-bag types of guys. But I guess you already knew that? I mean, she did like you. But fuck you anyways." Louis said with a grin. I gasped and wretched my hand away from him. "Louis, please!"  I whisper shouted with venom, appalled that he would say that. Louis looked at me with narrowed eyes and ten laughed. "Okay." He sighed and stood up. "I'm going to go, but don't let the fact that I'm your fucking boyfriend get in the way of you two." He said sharply and walked outside. "Lou-" He put his hand up to stop me. "I'll see you tonight, Ellie. Just don't follow me right now. I need to get over this." He said slowly. I fought back the crushed feeling that was ripping through my chest and nodded.

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