4 - Accusations

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The day came and went. You were fed way too much information for your brain to handle all at once and just wished to rest for the night. Mikasa had started to talk to Eren you believe his name was about going to bed.

When it came time to mention where you'd rest she began to speak. "You'll sleep with m--" Levi had cut her off yanking you near. "She'll be sleeping in my quarters."

That got some attention.

"I'll sleep anywhere at this point, just please show me a bed before my face greets the floor." You yawn growing irritated with the shocked attention Levi draws.  At this point you've started to grow immune to Petra drilling holes in the back of your head.

Levi gestured you to follow him, and you two went off to his area or whatever. On the way he just about put you to sleep with his lecture on keeping it tidy.

As soon as you saw the bed you passed out on it.

*~Timeskip cause author-san needs sleep herself~*

The next morning you felt something strange. A listen close told your groggy brain it had a heartbeat, as well as a rather fit build. (E/C) eyes look up to see a sleeping Levi holding you to which you do the only natural thing.

Scream and fall out the bed.

Yes, you're THAT person.

"W-why are you in bed with me?" You rub your lower back. "Ow..."

Silver eyes look over at you shooting a cold glare. "Do you have to be so damn loud in the morning? You're annoying voice is going to make my ears bleed." He rose scratching his scalp tiredly.

"You didn't answer me!"

He growls. "It's my bed. Why wouldn't I sleep in it, brat?"

Slowly, the cogs in your brain start to turn and you nod your head a few times.

After the awkward died down Levi got up going to get dressed not caring if you were here or not. Thank goodness you were spacing out about something cause he doesn't wanna hear your screaming.

"Get off the filthy floor. We're going to breakfast." He orders tugging you up by your arm.

Without a word you followed curious of how long this would go on. Can you two leave? You are a wanderer. Maybe you're both just waiting for the rumors to die down. Either way you and Levi were both partners in crime so it seems.

You're not even officially his rider.

Only thing he's done is smear his blood on you...which is gross.

Down at breakfast you yawn taking a seat scratching at your messy hair not really caring to do much but brush it down slightly. Levi didn't really comment much on it so you didn't care, no one else did either.

"Morning Levi~!...(Y/N)." She chirped sitting across from the short male.  It's been awhile since you've thought about it but you're taller. So..for him to hold you to his chest like that he had to purposely lay higher than you.

That thought alone made you choke on your water in laughter.

While covering your mouth coughing you felt Levi patting your back to somewhat help. "Is a screw loose in your puny brain this morning or what?"

You shake your head no silently laughing.

The strawberry blonde dragon shot you a soft glare not happy to see Levi so gentle with a human of all people. "Hey, (Y/N) I found this bush of berries I would love to try and bake a pie out of. Think you could lend me a hand? I mean...well we kind of got off on the wrong foot yesterday."

It's obviously suspicious of her to just offer such bonding time. You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as if to ask 'what's really going on?'

Petra fidgets. "I..want to apologize is all. Some girl time will be good I promise!"

Giving it one more go in your mind, you didn't want trouble. A small nod was given as you return to eating your soup.

"Great! Can't wait~."

*~After breakfast~*

Petra was leading you further away from the base thank you'd feel comfortable with. It didn't seem safe being so far from Levi...like you weren't protected from bad stuff. At least you had your art kit in case of an emergency song needed.

"Petra, is it much further?" You look around only to see she wasn't with you anymore. Panic began to surge through your veins at being left alone here. "This bitch did not just leave me in the forest...alone!"

It took you a whole hour to get back after being lost for way longer than you liked. Entering the base once more you saw everyone huddled about. "Petra! You abandoned me in the forest, with no food or way back!"

"Don't hurt me!" She flinches holding her wounded shoulder. Crocodile tears littered her face as she backs away leaning into Oulo who shot you a glare. As a matter of fact...everyone was.

Jean spoke up first. "You dare show your face here after trying to kill Petra!"

"Kill the human!" Someone shouts.

"Show her what it feels like to be hunted." Another shouts.

You were confused. Why was Petra bleeding? She just led you out into the woods and....ohhhhhh damn this bitch is setting you up.

Your eyes met Levi's pleading for him to not buy into this lie. He knew you right? And fuck him to for avoiding your eyes like this.

"We don't have the full story, there's no need to accuse (Y/N) of a crime when we don't know she did it." He spoke while taking a seat to continue his black tea.

Never mind about that fuck him part. He truly is a friend.

"Levi! How could you take the humans side?" She pleads flinching while holding her bleeding shoulder.

This place was in an uproar all of a sudden going back and forth, it made you so dizzy with the buzz. What was even going on? What could you do to fix this.


A hand slammed on the desk shutting everyone up instantly.

"I saw what happened." Someone said.

....it was Mikasa.

*~(A/N: Sorry it's short, I'm writing this at 3am and am super tired. I'll do better in the next chapter. Bye!)~*

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