Chapter One: Chasing Him

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Chapter One.

The smell of fresh coffee assults my nose as I walk into the coffee shop with my best friend. Her sneakers almost popping on the wooden floor. "Sarah let's go, we're going to be late for camp."
"Yeah yeah, I know." Every year Layla would attend a camp over the summer break just to fill in time. The camp is practically a bunch of seventeen to nineteen year old trying to fill in time. Layla loved it, she had met her boyfriend there semi understandable as to why she loved it. As Layla orders her coffee and my hot chocolate, because coffee tastes like shit, I take a seat and grab out my phone opening my instagram notification. After a few minutes a cup is placed in front of me and I'm dragged out the door, taking my hot chocolate with me.
Jumping in Layla's car while shoving my hot chocolate in her cup holder.
I sigh, "How long is the drive?" Layla turns the radio on and turns towards me.
"I don't know, maybe three hours from here?" She questions while putting the car into drive. I hum in response and continue to sip on my chocolate. "If you wanted to know if I would be okay if you were to sleep, that would be fine."
"Thanks Layla, you're a babe." I finish off my drink, placing the empty cup back in the holder, bringing my jacket up to my chin and taking a deep breath, closing my eyes for the rest of the ride there.


By the time we arrived it was late afternoon and Layla and I unpacked our bags from her car and follow the young teens that had already gathered around a large bonfire. "Dude, I'm I excited." I confess to Layla, her smile widened as she watched the flames lick the wood before turning into ashe. Unfortunately, Layla's boyfriend couldn't make it this year but that didn't stop her from coming.
"I know right, I wonder what activities they have set up this year." Her eyes drift to the lake, starting to get lost in her thoughts.
The pit of nervs at the bottom of my stomach start to feel lighter as music starts playing and every teen starts dancing. Layla and I dance, laugh and play some stupid games with the other campers, which made me feel less uncomfortable. "Sorry to interupt everyone's fun, but the cabins have been assigned and placed on the notice board."
I look towards Layla in a panic, "You didn't tell me about the cabins."
"You're going to be put with me anyway, don't freak. Also what's the worst that can happen? You get placed with a pedophile or something." I sigh, I guess she was right. I watch as she walks over to the board, her auburn hair bouncing and shining with the light from the fire. In a span of five minutes, Layla is back with an anxious look on her face. "We're not together."
"Meh, just check up on me everyday to see if I'm still alive." I laugh, grabbing her hand and dragging her to our luggage. I actually need to work on making friends, and I wouldn't mind getting to know another girl here.
"Haha. So funny, I think my lung collapsed from all that laugher." She responds, sarcasm lacing between each word as she looks at me with a worried expression.
"What's wrong?" I look behind, making my way back to the bonfire.
"Nothing, I-"
"Go, I'll be good." I smile at her, excited to explore this place on my own. "Tell me later, alright?"
Her auburn curls bounce as she runs towards a group of girls a little shorter than her. I sigh and pick up my bags, taking a glance at the lake noticing a person sitting at the end of the wooden walkway. Taking a look at my map, I walk through people and down the small path between the forest to get to the cabin I'm staying at.
The cabin is very cliche with wooden everything, two windows out the front and even a rocking chair out the front, I snort. The cabin is suprisingly very well maintained. I enter the cabin, the door creaking slightly behind me.
"Hello?" I call to see if my roomie is here and as no-one replies, I set my stuff down next to the couch and start analysing the surroundings. It's a cozy interior, a kitchen that is separated by a bench. There is a TV on the opposite wall from the kitchen with a few couches and comfy looking chairs surrounding it and a door just around the corner of the kitchen. I run my hands through my soft, dark purple hair, debating whether to check what I guess are the rooms, which could actually end up being a murder chamber with hooks dead bodies and all that creepy shit or I could just sit here and wait for my roommate to arrive, I'm fairly sure she'll give me a tour. I diside on the latter and not snoop around too much, so I sit patiently on the couch with my headphones plugged in and playing my favorite playlist.
I'm not sure how much time passed from when I first put my headphones on, but what I take them off too isn't plesent. A boy, around my age and a girl tangled up in a heated kissing session, I let out an awkward cough before they get further inside. The boy pushes the girl off him and turns to me with wide eyes, "What the fuck are you doing here?"
"I-uh, wait what?" My eyes widen at his aggressive nature, he is a tall, black haired, green eyed sex god. To say the least.
"Did you not hear me, dumb girl?" He laces his arms around the brunette bombshell he bought with him, her skinny frame also curvy in the right places with clothes to make her look obviously hot.
"Fuck off, this is my cabin you absolutely disgusting pig." I reply, rolling my eyes so far back into my head I almost see my brain. I huff, "People."
"Nate, I'll meet you at my place if you want." The girl finally speaks, then glances at me with a sneer on her face, "Nice to meet you whoev-"
"Sarah." I cut. She looks at me confused "My name is Sarah."
"Yeah whatever. Later." She opens the door and let's herself out, turning back to give the dude one more glance.
"I specifically asked for this room to have one person." His voice holds a little less anger in it.
"Well, sorry?" He looks at me, "I'm really not, but I would like to be showed to my bed."
"Well babe, you're sitting on it."
"The couch? Bitch, what the fuck." I stand off the couch and walk over to his dark figure, I get a much clearer view of his perfect jawline, predominant collarbones and large shoulders as he's only wearing a singlet top and a pair of shorts. I then realise how tall he is compared to me. "Where's the bed?"
"Unless you want to sleep with me, it's nonexistent." He replies, smirking. "Obviously most girls would be dying to be in the situation you're in."
"Oh yeah? Who do you think you are? Some rich boy who's daddy pays for everything he ow-"
"Exactly. You've probably seen my on the news." He cuts in, taking a step towards me. I take a step back.
"Excuse me, I don't want to catch herpes or chlamydia from your presence, and on the news my ass."
"You know Nathan Declan?" He hums.
"I wish I didn't but I'm pretty sure I do now." I spit in the hopes of somehow making him leave or something.
Nathan Declan, his father owns probably the most successful car dealerships in the country. Not only is he rich as fuck but also blessed with good looks, charm and an overload of arrogance. Of course when he was in the news I had my head in my computer probably on YouTube searching for people doing stupid shit. Priorities, funny shit over fuck boys any day.
"Please escort me to my room Mr. Declan." I mock, in a stereotypical posh voice. He moves towards the kitchen and I follow behind him, he goes through the door and inside is a huge double bed, two bedside tables and a massive window with the most beautiful view of the place so far, even bumping the view of the lake off first place. "Thanks." I set my bags down once again and flop on the bed. "I have a few questions to ask." I pipe up after a few minutes of quiet.
"Go ahead."
"First of all, are the rumors true?" I ask.
"Some of them, yes." He doesn't explain any further.

"Please don't bring girls here when I'm here, I don't really need to know you're fucking on the bed I sleep in." He nods, he might be a normal human being after all. "That's pretty much it, oh also don't touch my chocolate, I'll probably murder someone."

Whatever." Nathan mumbles and walks out of the room, leaving me time and space to unpack all my luggage. I pull out some of the warmest clothes I have and lay them on the bed, which is actually just some tracksuit pants, a random shirt and my brothers fluffy jacket. Quickly changing from my previous clothes, I brush my hair back from my face and walk out of the bedroom. Nathan has made himself comfortable on the couch and flicked on the TV, I grab a breakfast bar that has been left on the bench and start making my way towards the door.
"Oi, where are you going?" He mutters, picking up the remote and flicking the channel over to what looks like a football game.
"I was just going to take a quick walk down to the lake, want to join me?" I offer sarcastically, hoping he doesn't think I'm being legitimate.
He shakes his head, "I've got better things to do."
"Asshole." I mutter under my breath, knowing I'm being hypocritical. Closing the door behind me, I head down the gravel path that leads to the lake.



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