chapter 5 :)

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*Dont you just love cliff hangers? >:) hehehe I think im going to leave you hanging for a little while longer -ducks any flying objects- hehehe seriously though




*Laceys POV*

Daddy was so mean! He couldn't let me have a mommy could he? No! I mean its bad enough he..he..he...'Don't think about it' my voices scolded "I'm sorry Sarah" I mumbled, feeling bad. When I was upset she had to take over because I couldn't control myself.

Like what just happened. I whimpered worried that I had killed my mommy. I liked this one, she looked like my mommy. And she was nice to me.

I could feel Sarah getting angry. Sarah didn't like this mommy, she said she was my mommy so why did I need another one.

But Sarah didn't understand the longing I felt when I didn't have a mommy to hug me and tell me that everything will be ok when Daddy came. Sarah sighed, 'I don't think you should have told him that you had a new 'mommy' " she told me puting little quote thingies around mommy. Sarah didn't understand. I mean how could she, she was just a voice.

"But when Daddys here, we can be a family again, just like we were before he" 'DONT SAY IT!' Sarah yelled at me.

I winced. No need for her to be so damn loud. I mean I could hear everything she said anyways. I huffed. Who did she think she was anyways?

'I know right?' I heard Jessica say. 'Damn why cant we just kill this bitch?' 'Ummm how about this stupid?! I'm a part of her, you kill me, you hurt her, which hurts you, and while we all know that your crazy, your also not suicidal!'

'Why do we have to kill anyone?' Debbie asked yawning.

Sarah sighed. 'Just go back to sleep sweetie.' Debbie started crying in my head. And while I felt bad for her, it was seriously annoying!

Finally Jessica snapped. 'Damn it! Stop being such a snot nosed little brat and shut the fuck up already!' she screamed and then everything went black.

I woke up in my bed. When I smelled it. The most delicous and delectable smell out there. Blood. I looked down and saw that my knuckles were bleeding.

I shot up. Why the hell was there blood on my knuckles?! Then I saw it all over the walls to. I slowly looked down towards the floor, afraid of what I would see. Mommy was lying there, and not moving.

"NOOOOOO!!" I screamed. "JESSICA WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!?" For once in my head there was no answer.

Brieannas POV

Ow, shit! What the heck happened to me?! It feels like ive been hit by a train! Then it came rushing back. Not a train, Lacey. I sat up fast breathing hard. Where in goodness gracious and all that is above was the little she-devil.

What was the little she-devil?? I scanned around the room but there was no sign of her anywhere.

Good God! My head felt ready to explode! I felt the nausea rising in me and tryed to fight the urge to throw up. "No Brieanna, just no." I told myself. "Knowing your luck youll fall in it afterwords." My sick sense of humor did nothing to stop the pain. I retched crying out in pain as I did. Everything started spinning as the floor seemed to be moving up towards me. I heard a voice cry out at me right before everything went black and the pain dissapeared.

*****oh my goodness! I am SO sorry about the really late upload! ive just had so much going on! first i lost my computer then when i got it back my dad got really sick and was in the hospital and i just couldnt put my heart into it. and i figured no upload was better than a horrible one :( sorry guys!*****

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2012 ⏰

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