Chapter 2

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Mona Lisa's pov~

I was just training in my gym thinking what we should do with Lord Dregg. We finally freed our planet from his bug invasion. But, that was 2 months ago. I look at the time it was 11:30pm. I thought I should get some sleep. I have a really busy day tomorrow. I got chosen to give a speech to the salamandrian air troops. Also G'throkka and I are getting rewarded for something I kinda don't remember.

I took a shower and got ready for bed. Got dressed in my favorite long black pants and a white shirt.  I turned off the lights and got in bed. I was just staring at the ceiling. Somehow Raphael got in my thoughts. It's been so long since I seen him I wonder if he still thinks and cares about me at all??? I bet he does I think about him all the time non stop. I do try to get my mind off him. But, he will just come back in my thought in a heartbeat.

I miss him so much that it hurts. To not see him and also hoping that he is still alive and not hurt. I wish he was with me tonight. I been kinda lonely without him sure I got friends and family. But, I'm just love lonely. I wish every night saying I want to see him. But, wishing won't always help you also got to do it yourself as well. But, there always hope and faith right???

I looked out my window to see the moon glowing a neon red. The moon always reminds me of Raphael every time I see the moon. I hope he saved his world and his loved ones. I wonder what he is doing right now??? Then it all turned black...

Until I see you again (Mona Lisa x Raphael 2012)Where stories live. Discover now