Chapter 1-English

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I walked into school with Peyton at my side like always. She slept at mine AGAIN and was blabbing on about some guy she met and that lot. I however was not listening. I have never really been too big on boys. I mean don’t get me wrong I would love a boyfriend to spoil me and have fun with but I don’t ,unlike Peyton ,want to except one night stands or anything but Mr right. The girls call me boring but I just don’t want to throw myself at anyone with an Adam’s apple. Anyway I had zoned out again I do it too often and it always gets me i trouble. It was typical English weather to which the cold wind hit my face every so often. My teeth were chattering and goose bumps rose on my arms.

“Sam. Sam Edwards. Are you even listening?” Peyton questioned waving a hand in front of my face

“Yer course I was”

“Ok what did I just say?”

“Urm something about getting” I asked more of a question than an answer. This made Peyton break out in laughter.

“Oh god Sam what am I gonna do with you?”  Before I could answer the rest of the girls came running over and looked confused at the laughter.

“She zoned out again didn’t she?” Dillon spoke earning a nod from us. I told you I’m known for it.

We made our way down the hallway before breaking off because of different classes.

“Bye Dill, Bye Ben!” I shouted down the corridor

“Oh ok don’t bother saying bye to me then!” Payton cheers earning a smile from me this was typical us. We always do it. After saying bye to her too me, Cass and Dillon made our way to English chatting as we went.

-In English-

I sat in my usual sit next to this girl called Alice. She is a really nice lass the only thing is she calls me Samantha. She is very smart. Saying that you have to be in this class. Its top set, hence the fact none of my mates are here. I’m only here because English is my lesson. Not to blow my bubble or anything but A* baby! Haha. I’m anything but smart but I’m not stupid. You could say average. Anyway I was in my head again. Mr Hemsworth was reading from Hamlet and personal not my favourite. However I do listen it’s just I make it more interesting my head.

“Samantha” Alice broke me from my head with a shout whisper. I turned to her with confusion on my face.

“You zoned out again didn’t you? Well you might wanna pick up your pen because Sir is coming this way.”  I grabbed my pen fast and begin pretend writing. Sir past silently and I thanked Alice. I swear god I would be in double the amount of trouble if she wasn’t there.

“Class I will be right back. I need to speak to Miss Brookes. Carry on with question 16” With that he left. As soon as the door shut ww3 happened. Paper was thrown people shouting and cheering. I boy names Luke climbed on the table and started doing bad impressions of what I think was Mr Hemsworth. Oh the joys of high school! I think only 2 people were actually doing the work, Alice and this lad, Oh what’s his names..... Joe that’s it Joe.

“SOMEONES COMING!” Jessie shouted causing everyone to jump back in their seats. Everyone’s heads went down and the sound of pen on paper echoed through the room. Footsteps entered the classroom but more followed. My eyes shot up when screams from random girls could be heard.

“Good morning class”

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