~16~ Pride goeth before the Fall

Start from the beginning

"That's always been your problem, Dean. You just don't know how to go along to get along." Chad repeats Buzzy less than prophetic words at my exit interview from the Plunge.

"Maybe, but then again at least I have my integrity and self-respect intact. Can any of you three say the same? By the way, how's that Little Tommy kid doing these days? You know the kid I got fired for saving?" I can see Buzzy's eye twitch slightly at the implied insult. "So you keep pushing up on me with this bullshit? I will report all of you to your mother-in-law for harassing me in the shower, like a bunch of prison pedophile rapists."

I glance back around at all the half-naked freshmen changing for their first big boy shower for psycho Chad's amusement. All of who are suddenly covering themselves up, after hearing about the "rapists". Well, except for smiling Sporka who seems oddly at home with his fat naked self, as he carefully counts the money he's collected so far from the losers.

"Or maybe I should just go drop in on your grandparents then? Tell him what a great attitude you have with their friends?" Buzzy eyes narrow trying to go for a soft spot.

"Go right head Buzz Off. And while you're doing that I'll drop in on your mother-in-law. Tell her all about little Tommy and his drunken excuse for a mother in the kiddie pool. You know, the truth ...not whatever bullshit version you told her that makes you look almost competent. The real version, where you really maned up and picked your paycheck over that poor kid's safety." I see the startle in Buzzy's eyes. "Yeah, your welcome."

I can see Brad's eyes flicking back and forth between us not being "cool", and realizing that he is lost in translation on this now. I guess Ol Buzzard must have forgotten to tell Brad that the version of the Toilet Story he told Aces did not include a lot of truth in it. Buzzy is now looking away wishing he were somewhere else, because now he knows exactly where I am going with this. Like I said, me and the Plungers have some bad history.

"Suddenly seems to me you got a lot more to lose in that game than I do, huh Buzzard? Maybe even that almighty paycheck you sacrificed your integrity for?" I twist the truth a little harder back into his heart.

"Are you high?" Chad tries to intimidate by taking a step in.

"Yeah, high on hate. Why you want some?" I edge right up into him eye boning him hard. "First shot is free ...then you're all on your own after that."

But Brad quickly steps in and pulls Chad away, before we can turn this into a dental appointment for my new Captian Midnight necklace.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Cowards then ...cowards now." I snort and pull on my Mr. Zoggs sex wax T-shirt over my ink, slipping into my tire tread huarache flip-flops and start out of the locker room.

"Hey asshole, we're not done talking to you." Chad is still trying to assert his petty tyranny, but the moment has already moved past him.

"Sux to be you then, cause I am done talking to you, Chod." I lock eyes with Buzzy. "I don't make it a habit to parlay with people I don't respect. And I think it's safe to say, that I don't respect any of you at all."

I hang them the flying Falcon over my shoulder on the way out the locker room doors. Just in case one of them is even thinking to follow me out, in order to have more talking time. Because I'm not stupid, I am acutely aware of what all they just saw me do in the pool ...potential. And I have zero interest whatsoever in having those three blazing cowards having any say in what I do on my free time. Like thousands of hours of lapper practice for their amusement.

Yeah, blaze all that noise to hell and back. I swim because I love being in the water, not for some sick coach's golden glory plastic trophy. Let the Lappers and the Plungers of the world live for that shit, I got real people things to do. Like have a second lunch date with May, if she's even here today? And more importantly, if I can find her during today's round of lunchtime hide and seek?

After my hostile interaction with the Plungers, I stomp out of the locker room still slightly smelling of chlorine and pink all-purpose soap. I hit my hall locker to stow my stuff, grab my lunch, then head to the shelter to start playing today's round of hide-n-seek with Maybe. Today it will be my turn to hide in plain sight at the grim spot next to the defaced banner of Lincoln. 

While waiting in the shade for May, I can feel the roiling rage inside me slowly cooling off into a cold hate. I can barely tolerate Brad. I can't stand Capitan Midnight, at all. But of the three, Buzzard is the one that really pisses me off the most. Most likely because he is a buddy of Aces, and I can't beat his ass within an inch of his life. At least not without getting a bunch of static from the Raisins. But truth be told, the person I am really most pissed off with at the moment ...is me. For letting my ego and pride get the best of me and showing skills off in the water like a lame lapper. And I know without a doubt that this entire ego trip thing is going to come back and haunt me somehow.

"Awww you poor little Devil...what the hell were you thinking dude?"  The chorus of dark voices in my head laugh at me for my stupidity. 


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