First Interview: MentallyLove-

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//Our first interviewed author belongs to the Aphmau fandom and her most popular story was Garroth Diaries before wattpad deleted her account. That's right I'm talking about @mentallylove-. She was kind enough to take this interview and here's a brief description of her: A 13 year old writer who's mentally married to Will Herondale and write stories about blocks created by Aphmau. Now go on to he interview and you may have some questions answered about this Aphmau fan fiction author legend.//

1: Your stories were based of the popular fandom called MCD made by Aphmau and one story was also based on MMW. Though your known on this certain fandom is there another you enjoy?

-Like any Fangirl, I'm part of multiple fandoms. But, I particularly love the Hamilton fandom.

2: When did you figure out your passion for writing and how did you start writing on wattpad?

-My passion for writing started when I was in 2nd grade. I was actually recurred to write for out school newspaper multiple times which was an honor given only to 4th or 5th graders. It was quite an honor. 

I started writing on WattPad after watching Episode 22 of Season 1 of Aphmau's Minecraft Diaries Roleplay. One of the characters seemed to intrigue me and others so I wanted to write a whole 'nother story for him. 

3: What is your favorite animal and which animal would you consider your spiritual animal? 

-My favorite animal and "spiritual animal' is the legendary Phoenix. I strive to rise up from rock bottom.

4: Your main book was Garroth Dairies, where did you get the idea?

-Well, Garroth was in a helmet in that episode so he was a closed off person. What really made like hmmm was when he said something about Levin, implying Aphmau instead. I knew I had to write his perspective of everything. 

5: Writers block is something common between writers, how do you get over writers block and how often do you get it? 

-I get over writer's block by taking breaks. I've learned that writer's block will stop when it wants to stop. Forgive me for being semi-crude but it's like a period, the flow never stops when you want it to. 

I've gone through a long writer's block for about a month after something happened that for personal reasons, I do not want to relive. It usually happens after my creative flow has been so good that it just stops in the middle and I need to rush the ending of something.

6: As Aphmaus fandom progresses in MCD there was a huge time skip that made many viewers unhappy, what was your least favorite change in the time skip if you have any? 

-I don't think there is any change in the time skip I particularly disliked. I think all changes in the time skip were made within reason of the setting. 

7: What do you feel about the new couple in Love Love Paradise Nate and Guy?

-I love it! Nate and Guy are lowkey my OTP. Guy's so enthusiastic and Nate is so laid-back. It's the real opposite attracts couple.

8: You always connected with your readers with Q and A videos and through You Now, what did you enjoy about getting in contact with your fans?

-It was definitely much more fun than writing something with implied emotion. I like "looking" at my fans and interacting with them face to face makes it more sincere. 

9: Your stories were quickly popular and your account skyrocketed, why do you think that is? 

-It was probably be because I was the person who started the MCD Fanfiction trend. There was no other MCD fanfictions on WattPad. First come, first serve, I guess. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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