The Puppeteer

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This poem came in an odd bout of inspiration. :3 But then, those are the best kind of poems, aren't they?

The Puppeteer

Red lips twist to scorn the living

Ghost fingers dance in beautiful discord

Black and white, checkerboard music

Mockingbird voices you once adored

Shadows stalk forbidden light

Bloody eyes cry resentful sins

Marionette observes from the shelf

Music box laugh; Reaper grin

Plastic hands that frame the moon

Jealous hunters that sneer

Eagle eyes to reflect the night

Never give in to the fear

Painted face and jerking limbs

Whisper poison words in their ear

Marionette sings to the sky

"It's too late now, my dear"


I know the last two verses have the same rhyme sound. Usually I really hate doing this xD (unless it's actually part of the structure) but I quite like it. =]

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