There was a cave not far from us, and we quickly raced to it.

            I took of Alex’s coat, and threw it at him when we entered.

            “Whoa! What was that for?”

            I didn’t answer, I just turned my back to him.

            I felt him grab my shoulders, and I tensed.

            “Who do you want to marry, Rose?”

            Tears coursed down my cheeks, and my body started racking with sobs.


            He turned me in his arms till I faced him.

            “Who? Tell me who you want, who you love.”

            I looked into his eyes. They were green right now, which meant he was filled with emotion.

            I whispered my answer as I brought my face closer to his.

            “You. Only you,”

            I sealed his lips with my own, fully expecting him to pull away.

            What happened next surprised me.

            He wrapped his arms around me, and held me to him, kissing me back with wild abandon. He parted my lips, and thrust his tongue inside my mouth, tickling the roof of it.

            “Addy,” he whispered. “My God, Addy!”

            His lips moved away from my lips and he trailed them along my jaw line. I moaned when he reached the spot behind my ear.

            I could feel his fangs scraping lightly, and I groaned with need.

            “Rose,” he breathed out on my neck. “Don’t you know how much I love you? Rose, Rose, Rose…

            “Rose!” a voice broke into my sleep, and I fluttered open my lashes.

            Alex’s face was in my view. He smiled, and my heart stuttered.

            “Hey, angel,” he said, brushing his lips across mine.

            It took me a moment to realize why the world was rocking around me.

            Dorian had called a carriage around, and now we were on our way to the castle. I had gulped when Alex had said that. I had a castle.

            “Why did you wake me up?” I grumbled, snuggling deeper into his embrace, my head pillowed against his chest.

            “Because we have arrived, my dear.”

            I leapt up, momentarily forgetting that we were in a moving carriage. I bumped my head on the ceiling, and it immediately started to throb. I sat back down in my seat with a thump.

            Dorian and Emilyde laughed as I rubbed my aching head.

            “Does it hurt?” came the amused voice from beside me.

            I glared at him.

            “No it feels perfectly fine, thank you,” I grumbled.

            Alex laughed.

            The carriage door open, and the footman said,

            “Your Majesties,”

            Emilyde and Dorian got out first, then Alex stepped from the carriage and turned to face me.


            I took a deep breath, let it out, and stood up… gently this time.

            Alex’s hands spanned my waist, and I ducked my head as he lifted me from the carriage.

            My mouth dropped open as I gazed around me.

            It was the estate from my vision. The castle from my dreams. It was…

            “This, my dear, is our home,” Alex said, putting his hands on my shoulders. “This is Briallen Castle.”


  Aiyanna pulled at the restraints on her legs, and poked her lip out when they wouldn’t give.

            “Bugger!” she muttered, kicking out in a tantrum.

            “Shut up will ye!” came the groveled voice from the corner.

            Aiyanna jerked her head towards the sound, and stuck out her tounge at the guard.

            “You gonna cry to youre mummy?” the guard cooed.

            To big fat tears rolled down Aiynna’s cheeks.

            “I have never met my mommy,” she sobbed.

            Soon child, soon. 

Note from the Author:

Heyyyy guys please comment and vote!!! I wont upload till I have 10 votes! So to all you silent readers out there.... dont be silent

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