i'm camping - chapter 3

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- Leila -

     After walking for a while, I come across a CVS. It says 24 hours on the sign and I don't have my phone with me but it's pretty obvious it's early in the morning, early enough for it to still be dark outside. Guess I didn't sleep for long.
I walk inside and there are only two people inside, a cashier and a guy that looks about my age, looking at the candy.
The cashier glances up at me and then back down to his phone. I try to be quiet as possible to not attract much attention; my blue hair probably isn't helping with that.
I walk over to the camping supplies area and start looking at it, trying to figure out the cheapest options.
I grab a huge pack of batteries and put it in my basket, but as I stand up the other customer is standing right in front of me.
    "You're not from here, are you?" he asks.
    "Uh, no, I suppose not..." I reply quietly, looking back at the supplies then down at my outfit. I'm wearing tennis shorts and a sweatshirt, along with black running shoes. My hair is in a bun at the nape of my neck.
    "Joe, leave her alone, would you?" This time it's the cashier talking, and he's got an accent. I can't read his nametag from here.
     "N-no, it's fine. I am new here."
The cashier motions for me to come over to him. I hesitate.
     "Come here, guys, both of you."
Joe starts walking, and I follow him. Once we get to the front desk I can read the cashier's name tag. Will.
     "Why are you here?" Will asks. "I've never seen you before."
     "That's what I implied, but okay..." Joe mumbles.
     "Oh. Um..." I hesitate between words before I'm able to remember my excuse. "I'm camping. I need some supplies."
     "Do you live here?" Will replies with another question. Joe is showing interest in the conversation, but is looking down at his phone.
     "No, I don't. I just heard this is a good area for camping, up in the mountains and such. Like, by the ice caves." Good thing I know a bit about this area.
     "Well, it's pretty cold once you get up there. I'll help you pick some things out. How much do you have?"
     "I have some boots..."
     "No, I mean, money. How much money do you have to spend?"
     "Oh. Sorry. I have $100." I lie.
     "Okay, give me a second." Will moves from behind the register and goes over to the camping supplies, grabbing my basket, and then begins filling it.
     "So, what's your name, blue-hair?" Joe asks me.
     "Uh, it's Leila. And I guess you're Joe, and that's Will..."
     "Yeah, yeah. Yep, that's Will, he's the only cool person that works here. And I'm the only cool person that shops here. Well, unless you're cool. Are you cool? We can both be the only cool people that shop here."
He talks a lot.
     "I guess I'm cool. My hair is blue. Is that cool?"
     "Well, okay. You're officially cool. And it's awesome to meet you, Leila. We should hang out some time."
     "I just met you... How old are you?"
     "Me? I'm 18, and Willy Shakes over there is 20."
     "Oh. I'm 18 too."
Just as the conversation drops, Will comes back over to us. My basket is filled.
     "Take a look there..." He says. I begin to look through the basket but I can feel Will's eyes on me the entire time. Joe is on his phone again.
It looks like everything I might need, and then some. I look back up at Will; he looks like he's studying me.
     "Are you sure this will only cost $100?"
     "It'll cost less. I can work something out for you, and not because you've got a nice face. You're new here, I'll help you out."
     "Okay then, go ahead and scan it all, I guess. I'm gonna grab some food though."
(a.n. irrelevant to the story but little moon by mackenzie bourg just came on that's all)
Will had already put a bag of ice in there, so I grabbed an ice chest and filled it with fruits and waters and other things you could eat raw. I also grabbed some rope.
When I come back to the register Will is waiting for me. I put the food down and wait.
     "Vegan?" He asks.
     "No, but do you expect me to be cooking a steak up in the mountains?" I say. In reality, I can't use the stove so this will have to do.
     "Spicy." Joe says.
     "Alright Lei, your total is gonna be $79.37."
     "Okay," I say, handing him $80. "And it's Leila."
     "Yeah, I know it is, but we're all one-syllable around here."
I scoff and grab the bags of supplies, walking to the exit of the store.
     "Well, come back soon, Lei. I'd like to see you again."
I stop in my tracks before turning around and facing him.
     "Pretty boy over here really has some nerve, doesn't he, Joe?"
We all laugh.
     "Can I come with you?" Joe asks, coming up to me.
     "O-oh, no, I have to get this to the car..." I reply.
     "That's fine, I'll just get your phone number?"
     "I don't have a phone either." I reply.
     "Damn, if you don't like me just tell me."
     "No! I do like you, you seem cool. I actually don't have a phone."
Joe chuckles. "I'm just messing with you. Come back soon, though. I'm here a lot."
I nod and smile to the two boys, then start walking back to 'my' apartment.

lol I did two chapters in one day. hope ur enjoying this story, vote and share and all that jazz. more updates sooooon and message me if u wanna be in the story or which cube members u want to be in the story :-)
-misty <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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