escape - chapter 2

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- Leila -

     My eyes abruptly open. At first I'm confused, because I don't recognize where I am as the hotel that I've been in for months, but then I remember.
After standing and waking up, I grab my green backpack and empty the contents next to what I found in the cabinets.
I have about $300, along with coupons and 3 pairs of black leggings, 7 plain colored shirts, socks, underwear, one bra, a hair brush, and hotel shampoo and conditioner. I know there's a corner store somewhere around here, there has to be. Even though I hardly know this area. They put me in a hospital in Washington.
It's dark and cold in here and I realize that I can't use the fridge, water, AC, or plug-in outlets in addition to the lights or the building will see the charges and I'll be in deep trouble.
I put the clothes in one pile on the floor, and the shampoo, conditioner, and hair brush next to it.

     After counting up all of the money and separating useable coupons from expired ones, I stuff all of it into my pocket and open the front door. I'll have to find a way to get out without anyone seeing me, even though there' s a video camera right by the stairs. The only way out through here would definitely get caught on the video camera, so I slowly and quietly go back inside and close the door.
Next I look for windows. There are three, two of which have no way down without being seen by someone. And being on the third floor of a five story building could be worse, but I'd rather not break my legs.
The third window leads into a dark alley. The only problem is that across from the window that I would get out of, are windows of the neighboring building. I have to time it just right and make sure that nobody has their windows open to see me exit through mine.

     After doing a thorough inspection of the back window to make sure there are no video cameras, I need to find a way to get down without hurting myself too much. Once I get to the corner store, I can buy rope or something. I guess I can make it look like I'm buying things for a camping trip. People go camping in Washington, right?
While still thinking, I go to the pile of things I grabbed from the cabinets. I'm such an idiot, I can use the bed sheets. They do that in the movies.
I also grab the hair dye. It's dark blue, and in a can that you would use for spray paint. I shouldn't have to bleach my hair as it's already blonde, so without thinking I open the can and go to town in front of the bathroom mirror.
It smells like chemicals but eventually I've coated all of my hair in the stuff. I don't know why I did it, but the can was unopened and undamaged.
I feel like I'm going to pass out because of the smell. The little desk fan is battery powered, but I don't have any batteries. Add that to my mental grocery list.

     After tying together the three bed sheets I look outside and make sure nobody's window is open. I secure the makeshift rope to the island which is drilled into the floor. God forbid it goes anywhere. Then I throw the rest out the window. There's going to be a jump at the bottom. Not a small one, that's for sure. Might as well get it done.

I climb out the window and start to lower myself down. Once I get to the end of the rope I jump, hurting my ankle. I have no idea how I'm going to close the window, shit. I left all my clothes and stuff up there.

Praying nobody will see the open window or the bed sheets I start to make my way down the alley. It's raining, but not hard. I stay relatively dry due to the covers above the sidewalk. I don't know where I'm going, just to the first store I see.

little moon - cube smp auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora