"Allura!" Pidge yelled, running over to her. "Something happened to [Y/N]!" 

"W-What do you mean something happened to her?" Allura asked, shocked. 

"I-I don't know." Pidge stuttered. "She was testing out her ship, and then she kept mumbling stuff to herself, and then I think I heard someone yell, and then-" Allura put her hands on Pidge's shoulder, making her stop her rambling. 

"Pidge, calm down. We'll find her." Allura reassured. She turned to the main control desk and pressed something. 

"Everyone, listen up. We've got a rescue mission." 


You grunted as you were thrown to the ground. You weren't exactly knocked out, but someone did knock the daylights out of you. 

Your face was pressed to the ground but once you felt someone undo your cuff, you shot up and swung your fists. You growled someone caught it and put you in an arm lock. 

"A complicated one you are. You fight like the Champion himself." A ragged old voice spoke. You looked to see it was a witch, an ugly one for that matter. Your cocky attitude was getting the best of you. You were determined to get out of here and back to your Pidge and the others. 

You looked up at the witch and said, "I'll prove it by sticking my foot right up your ass." You spat at her before a punch hit you hard in the face. This one caused a bit of blood to spit from your mouth.

"Put her in the chamber and hook her up." The witch ordered. You were confused as to what she meant, but Galra soldiers brought you into this glass case. They then placed this weird thing to your head, strapping it on tight. After that they left you hooked in there. 

You stood to your feet, stumbling slightly. You rubbed your jaw as your eyes met with the witch again. 

"What the hell do you want with me?" You questioned her. 

"You're the key to the lions. They'll come to us with you here." The witch answered. Your eyes wondered up to the thing on your head.

"And this?" You pointed at the object.

"Oh that. That's just a little experiment I've had in mind."

"What do you- AHHHH!" You let out a deadly shriek as thousands of bolts of electricity went through your brain. You fell to the ground, continuing to scream at the pain. Tears streamed down your face as you tried to pull the thing off your head and failed. This was torture.

- -



"[Y/N]? [Y/N] do you copy?" Pidge spoke into the mic. The ship you were on had darted off into space and they were following after it. You weren't responding at all, but they could hear the sounds of other people talking. Everyone was confused and worried, especially Hunk.

"Pidge, please tell me she's okay.." Hunk said. 

"I don't know Hunk, she isn't responding at all." Pidge replied. 

"There, it is complete." A voice spoke. Pidge shot up as she heard the voice. 

"Everybody shush." She ordered as she continued to listen. 

"My best weapon to ever create, is finished." The voice sounded proud, and they were very close to you since the earpiece could pick it up easily. 

"What is it Pidge?" Shiro asked.

"A voice, they said they finished something. A weapon." She informed. 

"How clear could you hear it?" 

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