Chapter 4

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*1 day before there anniversary*

(Louis POV)

I woke up to my phone alarm going off. Hmm, Harry must have carried me to bed. I set the alarm tune to the same as my ringtone a few nights before. I grabbed my phone and pretended to press answer. Harry stirred next to me and cracked an eye open. I pretended to be talking to work for a while on the phone then 'hung up'.

Harry propped his head on his elbow and gave me a little pout.

"Who was that?" he asked groggily.

"Work" I sighed "They want me to go in today to help the new worker and show him around, shit like that" I said hiding my face in his chest with trying to contain my smirk.

"Not again! Lou please don't" He pleaded with a pout on his face and furrowed eyebrows.

"Sorry love, I already said I would, this will be the last time I swear, the new worker will fill in" I said hoping to convince him.

"I wanted to spend all day with you though" He murmured drawing invisible patterns on my bare chest. I felt awful doing this to him but it would all be worth it tomorrow!

I placed a kiss on Harry's lips and gave him a hug. "Same here love, on the bright side it's our anniversary tomorrow and we can do anything then!" I said cheerily with a smile on my lips.

"Hmm, I guess so" He said.

I climbed out of bed and changed my boxers before pulling on some grey skinny jeans and white t-shirt along with some socks.

"Why are you not going in your uniform?" Harry said curiously.

"I don't need to wear my uniform seeing as I'm just helping the new person and not actually working" I replied quite pleased with my answer.

"Oh right" He said frowning again.

I crawled back onto the bed and pulled Harry up before crushing him in a hug. "Aww don't be upset Harry please, it's only for a few hours I swear! Then I can come home" I said pulling back and giving him a kiss which he quickly deepened obviously not wanting me to go.

"Tell you what" I said pulling back causing him to pout. "I'll get all next week off seeing as though I've been going in for about a month, now go brush your teeth your morning breath is gross" I said with a laugh getting up and pulling on my TOMs.

"Fuckoff" He replied laughing while heading to the bathroom. Well at least I cheered him up a bit.

I headed downstairs to pour myself some orange juice. I pulled a list of things for tomorrow from under the cutlery holder in the draw and shoved it in my pocket. Harry came down in a few moments later in boxers and one of my old t-shirts. I stared at him as he walked past me with a smirk slapping my bum and putting some toast in. We've not had sex in like five days and I swear he's doing this on purpose for god sakes.

I spun him around and gave him a long kiss "I gotta go. I'll be home around four okay love?" I said.

"Louuuuuuu, that's so long to wait" He replied showing an adorable pout.

"Harry it's only five hours away I'm not leaving for a month" I said giving him a hug and one last kiss before grabbing my wallet and keys and walking to the door, I shut it behind me and got in the car.

(Harry's POV)

I watched as Louis walked out the door and heading to the car. I sighed and headed back into the kitchen, I put my toast on a plate and spread some butter and jam on before sitting down at island on a stool. I put my plate in the sink noticing all the washing from yesterday night was still in there so I took them out and ran some hot water in the sink before walking over to the fridge and drinking some milk from the carton. Might as well pass the time by cleaning I thought to myself.

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