Chapter 1

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Dedication: @storiesbyanon. YOU KEEP MAKING ME HAPPYYYYY I LOVE YOU.

March 12th, 2017

(Harry's POV)

I woke up to a warm body pressed to my back and the sound of light snores that emanated from my husband Louis.

We've been married for nearly two years now and they've been the best years of my life... After being together for four years I want to take our relationship further and get proper jobs and buy our own house and raise a family, don't get me wrong out flat is great but it's a flat, not a home but Louis isn't ready to move house never mind have children, I respect his wishes but we've been together for four years for Christ sake! A shuffling and tired Louis pulls me from my train of thought...

"Harry?" Louis looks at me groggily with a slightly concerned look on his face.

"Yeah love?" I reply

"What'cha thinking about?" he mumbles rolling into my side and nuzzling into my neck

"Just how much I love you" I hummed, this was half true because I wouldn't want all those things if I didn't love him but he feels guilty because he's not ready, so I don't push him to do anything he doesn't want to do.

I gave him a toothy grin and a peck on his lips before rolling out of bed and padding into the bathroom to take a shower. I locked the door as Louis always comes in and want to have 'sexy shower time' as he calls it, don't get me wrong I do love it but he gets a bit too... vigorous and I'm still quite sore from last night.

I stripped out of my boxers and jumped in the shower turning the temperature up and let the hot water run down my body and relax my muscles. I washed my hair and body before stepping out the shower and shaking my curls.

I walked back to our room and pulled on some boxers, socks, black skinny jeans and a purple t-shirt before walking downstairs and into the kitchen. Louis was at the stove cooking what smelled like sausage and eggs, I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and placed light kisses down his tanned neck.

"Hi love" I said giving him a hug.

"Hey yourself" He replied turning around and kissing me softly on the lips. I snaked my arms around his neck and he placed his hands on my waist and rested his forehead against mine.

"You cooking me breakfast Boo?" I chuckled while pulling out some plates and glasses.

"Yeah, you did teach me after all" he winked at me before serving the food

"Well we couldn't haven't you burning the house down when I'm not here can we now?"

"Eurgh, Harry I set one fire let it go" Louis replied while taking a bite of his food.

"And one too many" I replied giving him a wink and standing up from my stool.

(Louis POV)

Harry winked at me while standing up to put his plate in the sink. The past week Harry's been rather distant, I wish he would tell me what's wrong, hopefully it won't affect what I have planned for us next week as it's our 2 year anniversary.

I've been running around frantically trying to plan out my surprise for him and it's been rather hard trying to keep Harry from finding out... One week to go I guess.

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