The Past Revealed (3 months later)

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     It's been 3 months since my promotion and, bit by bit, I've been feeling safer around Plutia. She's started to invite me to play video games with her and just talk in general. Histoire doesn't approve of this of course, but we do it anyway.

12:30 AM

     I was awoken not by my alarm, but by something else. I felt hot under the sheets, something that doesn't usually happen. I opened my eyes to see Amy laying right next to me in my bed. I was a bit surprised but eventually, got out of bed and carried her back to her room. I went back to my room and checked the time. It was 12:32 AM. I got back into bed and tried to go back to sleep. After a while of turning to different positions, I decided to get up and walk around for a while. I went out to the back balcony of our house. 

*Shooting star goes overhead* 

     I looked into the starry sky above me. It reminded me of Plutia in a way. My mind wandered for a while until I thought of something. Plutia isn't scary in her HDD mode, that's just her personality swing. When she transformed, I would have to stand strong if she confronted me. The stars reminded me of her because, when she was in her normal mode, she was bright, happy and cheerful. But when she transforms, her expression becomes hard to read and invisible. Just like how you see the stars at night but not during the day. I saw the lights of the living room come on and I turned around. No sooner than I did, I saw Maria right behind me. I was a bit startled.

-"What are you doing out here Mike?" She asked.

-"Oh, I'm just...thinking about stuff." I said nervously.

-"What stuff?" She asked.

-" need to be replaced! That's all! Haha." I said nervously.

-"Come on Mike, I can read your expression like a book. What's on your mind? You can tell me." 

-"Well, I guess I've hidden it for too long now."

-"Hidden what?"

-"I...I've been promoted."

-"What!? Seriously?! Mike, that's great! Why would want to hide that from me?"

-"It's not the best promotion. I...I'm a sentry in Iris Heart's office."

-"Wait, Lady Iris Heart?"

-"Yes, I'm worried and happy at the same time."

-"Well, if there's ever a problem, mental or physical, you're more than capable to bring it up with her, you know that right?"

-"Yeah I know that but, I don't think I can match godly power."

-"Well, if that doesn't work, Amy and I will always help you when you need. You can count on us you know? We're not here to slow you down. Just...rely on us, okay?"

-"Okay, I will, thanks Maria."

-"No problem. Now come on, let's get back to bed."

-"Okay." I said as we went back to our rooms.

     I was able to fall back to sleep almost instantly. I would just have to wait and see what the future would bring.


     I woke up to the sound of my alarm and got ready to go. I was about to head out the door when Maria stopped me.

-"Hey Mike." She said.

-"Yeah Maria?" I asked.

-"I want you to talk to Lady Iris Heart. I'm serious, okay?"

-"O-okay, I will."

Cute Little Psycho (Plutia x Writer)Where stories live. Discover now