The Truth (8 years later)

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Plutia P.O.V.

     Things have changed a lot since Neptune and Nepgear showed up. Thanks to the Histy from the other dimension, we have a permanent pathway in between the two dimensions. It took a while but I managed to explain the situation about Mike and I to them both. We've managed to encounter Mike 7 times throughout the years to try and make him remember but all of our attempts so far have been in vain. But we have to keep trying. I was playing video games with Neppy when my Histy flew in the room.

-"Plutia! There's something you might want to see!" She said, panicking.

-"What happened this time Histy?" I asked.

-"Our scouts have reported a massive army of soldiers and weaponized tech! We believe that a war is going to start soon!"

     My eyes widened as I imagined the destruction that Mike will reap! Neppy, Nepgear, Anna and myself transformed and flew towards the site of the report. I saw Iffy at one of the paths leading into Planeptune. All of our forces were at risk on this day. I went down next to Iffy and she told me what was going on. All of us waited. Eventually, after a couple hours of waiting, I heard the distant roar of engines slowly getting closer through the trees. I pulled out my weapon and stood ready. For a moment, the engines stopped...then I saw a whole line of Humvees roll through the trees, followed by footmen, followed by tanks, followed by robotic walkers and finally, the command vessel, Mike standing on top of it.

then I saw a whole line of Humvees roll through the trees, followed by footmen, followed by tanks, followed by robotic walkers and finally, the command vessel, Mike standing on top of it

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     He did a hand signal and everyone stopped. Mike spoke up.

-"Planeptune, I would strongly suggest that you lower your weapons and hand over your nation." He said.

-"And why would we do that?" Anna asked, annoyed.

     There was a pause before he spoke again.

-"If not, than I can personally guarantee that you will be treated to a much more different fate." He said as he pulled out his dual swords.

-"If my decision results in my life being taken, then so be it, but I will never endanger our nation." I said firmly standing my ground.

-"Than it's decided." He turned to his army. "EDEN! BEGIN OUR ASSAULT!" He yelled.

     They fired every single gun they had at us. Tanks, mini-guns, turrets, assault rifles and more could be heard firing their shells at us. I looked back at Mike to see him charging towards me. I barely had enough time to block his attack. Once our swords met, he spoke to me.

-"I bested you in a fight once, and I shall do it again!" He yelled.

-"Not this time Mike! I've got more backup now!" I said as I looked to Neptune, Nepgear and Anna behind me.

-"Well then, if a fight is what you want, you'll get it." He said as he teleported somewhere.

     I helped fend off the shells firing towards the men for a bit before I felt the ground shaking. I looked over to the command vessel to see that it was transforming into something that resembled a giant mech! I saw Mike standing on top of it, giving it commands. All four of us went up to him to fight. He seemed to know what we were doing and swung at us with his swords, sending a wave of plasma our way. We managed to dodge it but Mike was getting closer every second. For a while, we all fought against him. Somehow, he was managing to fend us all off! I don't know how, but we'll have to try to keep him at bay for as long as we can!

Cute Little Psycho (Plutia x Writer)Where stories live. Discover now