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Mike P.O.V.

     I was flying as fast as my dragon wings would carry me to the Basilicom. I was almost at the borders when I heard someone on the ground yell something.

-"FIRE!" A man said.

     A platoon of rocket soldiers were dispatched to assassinate me. They all fired their missiles. My bulky dragon form made it difficult to dodge them all. Four circled around and hit me on my back, sending me to the ground. I crashed down and went back into my normal mode. I looked up slowly to see a soldier aiming his weapon at me.

-"Get up, slowly." He said.

     As I got up, I couldn't help but notice that they were so desperate to retrieve me that they brought war machines. Giant walkers that had the firepower to level small villages, armor that could withstand a nuke and a neural connection unlike any other the world has seen before...I had to have it. Not wasting a moment, I charged towards the walker with all my speed and jumped into the cockpit. The engine purred like a panther. I powered it up as the soldiers were panicking to figure out what to do. Once I was powered up, my body merged with the technology and the first thing I did was fire an extremely powerful E.M.P., one that was able to shock the men and stun them for a bit. That's when I unleashed hell. Since I was no longer actually IN the walker, I didn't need to take caution. I wanted to try something. I charged up my cannon and put my spark in it. I fired and my physical entity fired out. I changed from a single, sentient, electron in the mech to a person again in a fraction of a second! I killed the guy I was aiming at and took control of the mech again. I wonder what else I can do?


     These guys would not give up their assault as they kept coming. Eventually, I noticed that they all retreated suddenly. I thought it was them giving up.

-"HAHAHAHAHA!!! THAT'S RIGHT!!! RUN YOU FUCKERS!!!" I yelled in celebration.

     My celebration was cut short when I noticed where exactly they were running to. They were heading to the Planeptune borders! I had to get over there immediately! I transformed and flew as fast as my wings would carry me. I stopped for a moment when I saw who they were attacking. Plutia and Anna were fending off the troops that were sent to me. They seemed to be doing well, until I saw a giant walker get behind Plutia, ready to stomp on her. I ran towards it and merged with it. I made the control room of that mech explode on itself, killing the operator and making it fall backwards.

Once all the crashing sounds faded, I was able to hear Anna and Plutia talking.

-"What was that?" Anna asked Plutia.

-"I don't know, Histoire?" She said, calling Histoire over the radio.

-"What is it? What happened?" Histoire asked.

-"I happened." My voice echoed trough the valley.

     All eyes were turned to me as the electrons formed to make my body once again. The girls stared at me as I jumped forwards in front of them.

-"It's Mike...he's...standing right in front of us." Anna told Histoire.

-"Oh no, he's come to finish us all off!" Histoire said.

-"I'm not so sure about that...Mike just saved Plutia's rear end." 

     I walked to the pile of rubble that Plutia was crawling out of; it had covered her when the walker fell. As a joke, I powered up my weapon and aimed it at her. Anna charged up hers too and aimed at me. I then turned my wrist and opened my hand, she hesitantly grabbed it. I helped her up to her feet. She stared at me like I was an alien.

Cute Little Psycho (Plutia x Writer)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu