leprechaun 🌈
You've been spending too much time with Justin...

I won't be anymore, Zayn thought bitterly right before the next text arrived.

leprechaun 🌈
And no it wasn't that painful. He went slow with me.

Liam? Slow? Didn't know that those two words were allowed in the same sentence.

leprechaun 🌈
Zayn, this is serious. Yesterday afternoon, Liam and I had a terrible argument that I don't really wanna talk about, but it was bad. Then, we spoke and glared at each other for like five minutes at the party and the next thing I knew, I had no clothes on.

Sounds like the beginning of a beautiful high school romance.

leprechaun 🌈

Sorry, sorry. Go on.

leprechaun 🌈
Point is, I'm not sure how to feel about what happened.
I don't think I should have done it.

You enjoyed the sex, no?

leprechaun 🌈
Yes. Everything he did was like magic. His hands, oh my god, his hands. And that tongue. Zayn. He did things with that tongue that I didn't even know were humanly possible. And don't even get me started on little Liam... or well, big Liam.

Again, more information that I could've went without knowing.
Do you like him?

leprechaun 🌈

Than I don't see the problem. You guys finally resolved the sexual tension. One less problem in our group.

leprechaun 🌈
But I was so easy... He really got to me yesterday. I haven't been that angry in such a long time and I came running the second he called.
What if he's laughing at me right now?
What if he's laughing at how easy it was to get me to do what he wanted?

Liam wouldn't do that.

leprechaun 🌈
We don't know that.

Yes we do. He wouldn't do that.

leprechaun 🌈
God Zayn. Why can't you just tell me that I should feel ashamed of myself and call it a day?

Because I don't think you should feel ashamed of yourself.

leprechaun 🌈

I don't think you should feel ashamed of yourself for having fun and finally giving into what you wanted.

leprechaun 🌈
I hate this so much.


leprechaun 🌈
Because Liam and I... we make a pretty good pair, but we clash so often. And the argument that we had the yesterday almost ruined the chances of us ever talking again.
I don't want to argue like that again. I don't want that for him and I Zee.
I wish we were more like you and Justin.
And I know you guys aren't dating but you two make it look so easy. The only arguments you have are about stupid shit and they're never even actual arguments. You guys just have a disagreement and call each other jerks and go on your own way.
I want that with Liam.

The DUFF (Zustin Mieber AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें