"Well yeah," she agreed with a shrug. "But it's fun."

Cameron sniggered. "It's only good with booze and you've hidden them from me."

"We can have fun without the alcohol," she snapped at him.

"No, we can't. Not with this."

"You need to learn to enjoy it without alcohol," said Daxton. "That's the point of all this."

"Stop bringing that up," whined Cameron. "The only reason you're complaining about it is because of Mikayla."

"What's that supposed to me?" demanded Daxton.

"The quicker I can sort myself out, the quicker you can be with her." Silence fell around them. Mikayla felt frozen in her spot. She wasn't aware they'd been so transparent. "Newsflash brother, even when this all works, you can't have her."

Mikayla could feel the tension bounce off Daxton's shoulders. She felt a strong desire to wrap him in her arms and protect him. She couldn't do that. Cameron's words held too much truth in them. They were trying for something they could never have. Maybe it was best they left it all behind. It was better she got out soon rather than when he had her heart.

"Let's just play the damn game," he mumbled and stomped away. Mikayla's mood left with Daxton. Maybe it was better that they all just went to bed. She wasn't in the mood to play a game anyhow.

"Well, you heard him," said Cameron. "Let's play your game."

"I don't want to."

"Too bad." He gripped her arm from her elbow and dragged her towards the living room. Mikayla could hear the others. It was when they were in the room that Mikayla regretted her idea. The air was suffocating.

"What's this about a game?" asked Annabelle. There was a prominent bite to her words. Mikayla tried not to take the attack to heart. The anger wasn't directed at her after all.

"Um," she said, wringing her fingers. "I thought it might be good for us all to play a game."

"What game?" asked Nick. He sounded on the opposite end of Annabelle. That wasn't good.

"Spin the bottle." She said softly.

It was quiet for a moment before Mikayla heard Annabelle chuckle. "You can't be serious. We're not in high school."

"Or drunk," added Cameron. No one acknowledged his words.

"It doesn't matter," Mikayla said. "It'll be a relaxing time for us. I think we all need it. It'll be a neutral space where no rules, no relationship drama exists. Just some adults making questionable decisions."

"Well, when you put it that way, I'm in." said Cameron.

"What happens in the game doesn't matter right?" asked Annabelle. "It's just adults making bad choices." Mikayla nodded. "Sounds good. I could do with some reckless behavior."

Mikayla cheered. "Daxton?"

"I'm in."


"I don't know Mikayla. I'm not sure it's a healthy answer to our problems." He answered.

She shrugged. "I'm not trying to give you answers. I just want us all to get out our heads and be young and foolish for a few hours. With all the stress we've all faced these past few days, we need it."

He sighed. "Alright. I'll have my parents come fetch Sofia." No one argued with him.

"Invite your sister," shouted Cameron.

"Why?" asked Nick. Mikayla heard the hesitance. She smirked. Nick had every reason to be hesitant when Cameron Reynolds was involved.

"She's hot," said Cameron simply. "We also need another female to make things even."

"Your sister could use a break of her own," said Annabelle cautiously. Mikayla turned her head towards Nick. She waited to hear what he would say.

Eventually he sighed. "All right. I'll go make arrangements. You all get things ready."

For the first time in weeks, a happy cheer broke out in the room. Mikayla smiled. Maybe her plan would work after all. She just had to be smart about it. There were no boundaries in the game and, if it were going to work, she had to it well. It was time Annabelle and Nick realized how foolish their argument had turned into. She needed them to reconcile so she could have her life back.

Mikayla felt a hand clasp hers. He didn't need to speak. She knew it was Daxton. She'd memorized his touch long ago. She squeezed his hand back. He was her determination. She could be a good friend and get a chance to be alone with Daxton. She needed to. Cameron's earlier comment had simply accelerated her need. She had to take as much from him before it was all gone.

 She had to take as much from him before it was all gone

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