#3 Hello There

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"Oh, so little miss 'savior of all' doesn't remember us?"

The masked man who opened the door said. He was sitting in the kitchen on a chair staring at me. His gaze made my spine shudder. "Masky, leave (N/N) alone," a deep and calming voice said from next to Toby. He began walking towards me.

He whore an old orange hoodie, grey jeans, converse, and his hair was brown. He had a black mask with red stitching in it. The stitching formed into two eyes, and a frown. 'Finally, a feminine freak.' I thought to myself. "That's Timothy, he's an asshole, and loser-" He was cut off by the loser in the kitchen. "Just call me Masky, or your enemy." He said through a sigh. "Yeah, that's Masky. I'm Brian, but always call me Hoodie. OK?" I nodded slowly tucking my (H/C) hair behind my ear.

Toby cleared his throat.

"And I'm Toby!" Toby said as if left out. "Yeah, I know." I said smirking. The slenderman from earlier came in. "My brothers are on thier way, get her cleaned up my child." He said directing towards Hoodie. "Right away master." Hoodie said looking at me. Then the stick figure left.

Hoodie showed me to the bathroom and gave me a towel and some clothes. "Leave your stuff in here when you're done, then come downstairs." He said. Then he left. The clothes he left me were some black pants with zipper pockets on each side. And a (F/C) tanktop.

I looked around the bathroom making sure their were no hidden camera's or anything like that. Once I finished looking around I undressed and got in the shower. I turned the water as hot as it could go since that old asylum I stayed in only produced arctic cold water.

It felt so good against my skin.

The warmth, and cleaness of the water washed away all of my memories of where I came from.

The hell I called a home.

The demons I called family.

The hunters that rehomed me.

And the freakshow I call a life.

All gone. Because a faceless kidnapper brought me here. And welcomed me. Unlike Masky. He's an asshole. Toby's weird. And Hoodie's pretty cool. He's the main one I can easily deal with. When I was finished washing my (H/C) hair, I got out and dried off. I got dressed. And went downstairs. When I got downstairs there were more creatures like the slenderman. And they all stared at me.


Silence. That is until the creature with the glasses and scarf looked at me. "Is that her?" He said as if expecting more from me. "Excuse me?" I say looking at slenderman who was staring at the glassed creature. "Yes brother, it's her. (Y/N), say hi to my youngest brother 'Trenderman'."


He just stares at me with an invisable eyebrow raised. I sigh. "And who are they?" I ask no one in particular. "The one wearing the suit with the bright polka-dots and huge smile is 'Splendorman'. And the other one is 'Offenderman' the pervert." Hoodie answers my question. I chuckle at the last ones name. 'Who would name their child that?' I thought to myself.

Splendorman chuckled excitedly and bent over to shake my hand. "Hello (Y/N)! It's very nice to meet you!" I smile. "It's nice to meet you too." When he let go of my hand I looked over at Offenderman and smiled in a playful manor.

"Hey." He looked down at me and grinned deeply. He got closer to me and wrapped one if his white tentacles around my waste and pulled me closer to him. "Why hello beautiful, sorry for Trenderman's rude behavior to such a fine women such as yourself." His sharp teeth were pitch white and still grinned at me. I chuckled nervously. "It's all good." I stare at him until he let's go of me and walks to the couch, sitting on it. He still stared at me. And so did everyone else........


Sorry I took forever to update.

I'm sick as hell.

Love you guys!!!

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