Chapter 3

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Really sorry it took so long to upload, i couldn't remember how to continue writing really sorry!!!

(This is just before red goes on a supply run)

(Nicks P.O.V)

I sat there staring at darkness. Darkness that was yet to go away it seems that they only bring me food when I'm asleep.
All of a sudden a burst of light came from the door as it was swung open I lifted my head up to see who it was eager to know if it could be Ghetto or Ak or maybe Shark no I had to remind myself that they weren't coming back for me.
I couldn't see who it was for the light blinded me from being kept in darkness all this time. After my eyes adjusted I wish they never did because it was red who stood before me smirking like always
"Well well well this is the longest I've ever seen you here Nick!" Red stated proudly, I stared into his eyes hatred boiling up inside me which I was struggling to keep control of but why should I? Why should I not let it rip?
"What do you want?!"I snarled lacing my voice with as much venom and hate I could muster. Red casually walked in and turned a light on before closing the door leaving us alone.
"Where to start oh yes I should update you on what's happened in the past 6 months!" He paused waiting for my reaction. It took me a couple of seconds for my brain to process his words before my eyes widened
"6 months?? No.. it can't of been 6 months.. that's how long Cory and Uni where going to lock me and Ghetto up for...." I whispered the last part hoping red wouldn't hear but much to my annoyance he did. He just nodded smiling his sick twisted smile.
"Anyways I'd like to add on that happy note that 3 months ago your group was obviously incorrectly informed that you...are...dead"
"NO!!" I tugged at the chains as I yelled at him fury..hatred..anger boiled through my veins as I screamed hell at him but all he did was sit there and laugh, eventually my rage subsided  and although red was still sat there is cried I couldn't hold it in anymore.

(I hope the long chapter makes up for the wait I sincerely apologies!)

Death, hatred....and Redحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن