My photography instructor as well as my mentor here at the University had allowed me to assist him one weekend not so long ago. It was a private photo shoot of his client's club and some of it's patrons. Bliss, was the name of the establishment and it is reported to be an upscale, members only private adult bondage establishment. Bliss provided a safe, clean, and elegant place for it's members to indulge in their preferred kinks in private and semi private venues.

I'd almost tripped over my own feet and swallowed my own tongue the whole time I was there hiding behind all the photography equipment and lights as I gawked at the larger than life men who were called Dominants. The subs had called them Master, or Sir. The men and a few of them were female known as Dommes and addressed as Mistress. All of the submissives were indulged, fawned over, and spoilt by their partners. The Doms made them their sole focus and priority at all times.

The connection I witnessed between the men and women, the level of trust, and open adoration on both parties faces and their actions towards one another had made my heart ache. I found myself wanting that. I wanted it desperately. Me, the poor little cast off orphan who no one has ever wanted. A throw away baby. My own mother had thrown me in garbage when I was born. It was only the actions of a good Samaritan digging me out of the trash why I'm even alive today. So finding someone who will look at me, want me, and will take care of me like those men and women took care of their subs would be a miracle in my book. Nevermind the leather, the collars, and the kink.

Hey, I actually thought all of being tied up and at someone's mercy could be hot as hell depending on if end game turned out to being fucked within a inch of your life by one of those hot ass men. But shy, mousy little me would never stand a chance in any situations like that. I'd have a heart attack and drop dead right then and there if I was ever brave enough to approach Sammy and his friend to ask them about learning the lifestyle.

My heart had finally calmed down enough for me to go my assigned studio space. I needed to add the photos I'd taken over the weekend to my collection for my final presentation that's coming due in the next few weeks. I pushed off the wall just as two guys came barreling around the corner almost trampling me to death.

"Whoa...There she is" The blonde exclaimed as he skidded to an awkward stop causing his friend to slam right into his back. It was a tangle of arms, jackets, and backpacks before I recognized the two in question and my heart rate kicked right back up into high gear all over again. I was trapped and mortified to the point of rendering myself speechless.

It didn't even occur to me that he'd referred to me as a 'she.' If I wasn't so surprised that they had noticed me watching them, then I would have gladly point out that I was indeed, a male. It's understandable though, if I had a nickel for every time made the gender mistake was made with me, I'd be a billionaire by now. I couldn't help the fact that I was what is described as androgynous in appearance.

It didn't help that I preferred my bone straight, curtain of blonde hair to hang long over my shoulders and down my back, stretching down, reaching to just under my shoulder blades. My eyelashes were thick and long, and I've been told they make the blue in my eye pop even more. My lips were naturally tinted pink and I didn't have a lick of hair on my face or my chest. All my life I've been mistaken for a girl, so it shouldn't surprise that these two would have made the same assumption as well.

"Alright, girlie. Why have you been stalking us?" The cute blonde asked me while his dark haired friend wore an confused expression as he looked to his friend then back at me.

"Um...I...I... Just wanted to know about your..." I managed to quietly stutter out before words failed me altogether so I just pointed to their collars as my face went thermonuclear.

"You want to know about our collars?" The dark haired guy asked and all I could do was nod my head while keeping my eyes firmly on the tips of my sneakers.

"Hell, you could have just come up and asked. We don't bite." The blonde snickered and his friend just shook his head.

"Shut up Kyle, she's probably shy and didn't want to ask two strangers about something so personal." The dark haired guy said and my shoulders slumped with relief. A least one of them understood how I was feeling.

I took a deep breath and decided to clear the air right now. "Um...I don't mean to pry or anything. It's just that I'm interested in the lifestyle. I have been for a while now, but I don't know anyone other than you two around here who are familiar with it. I noticed your collars and I've been trying to work up the nerve to talk to you. I'm Thomas by the way, Thomas Cavanaugh."

"You're a dude?" The blonde blurted out while he bent slightly at the waist to get a closer look at my face. "Damn, you're really pretty for a guy."

His friend pushed him out of the way while shaking his head. "I apologize in advance for him. He has no home training, it's a good thing he's a submissive. His Master will hopefully succeed in training him properly. His name is Kyle, and my name is Sammy. Pleased to meet you Thomas. We'll gladly help explain the lifestyle to you if want."

Kyle started hopping around like someone had ignited a fire under his ass. "Oh...We should take him to the club and introduce him to our Masters. My Sir will gladly help explain all there is to know about BDSM if you are truly interested in learning and practicing it. Hold on let me call Master Julius and then we can go." Kyle gushed excitedly before pulling out his phone from the pocket of his jeans.

With a series of taps on the device's screen, Kyle made his phone call and talked a mile a minute into the mouthpiece before ending the call. He spun on his heel with a big grin on his face. He grabbed s both by the wrists and hauled us towards the parking area. For a slim guy, Kyle had a firm grip. Sammy and I were dragged off before I could even start to panic about the fact that I was on my way to speak to two Dominants. It was bad enough trying to approach two submissives, and now suddenly I was going to be taking to men who made control and dominance their lifestyle choice, oh help.

Submissive Part 3 & 4 (manxman)Where stories live. Discover now