"It's okay, Shisui." she said ruffling his hair, "Anyways, can I start with Itachi, Alana and Sasuke?" she asked.

"Yay!! I'm gonna have some fun with Miss Princess!!" Alana yelled happily, she can only giggled at her behavior.

"Well, Ariana, please, come with us, we'll have a walk." Itachi said, and she nodded, following him outside.

"Um, guys?" Sasuke called out, "I can't go with you guys, I need to go meet Olivia at Santa Monica Mountains, she needs some help finding some herbs." He said, "Okay, that's alright, have fun." He smirked then went for a walk with Ari and Alana.

The four of them are now walking the same path as me and the brothers walked yesterday, I'm starting to know the streets very well, slowly. "Hey, Itachi?" she called him, he hummed in response, "Do you think Indra really hates me that much?" she asked.

"Why did you think that?" He asked.

"Because he's been acting mean, and mocked me yesterday about how he disrespected me, as a future Queen, I already told him that, but he's just.... So mean." she confessed, Itachi can only chuckled slightly, Ariana stared at him with her 'What's so funny?' Look. "Indra's always like that, Ariana, even to the rest of us."

"Really?" She asked, "Yeah, he walks around the house like he owns the place, but that's just a typical Indra being him, you can't blame him for being him, and besides, nobody here is like back in your village, they do the opposite of goodness, to the people, even the royalties, they do not care less if they're a Queen, a Princess or a Knave." He explained, she lowered her head to the ground, looking at her heels, "Look, Ari, wherever place you're at, just remember not to treat the people like your people back home, they're different, because you don't become a Queen to be acknowledged by everyone. The one who is acknowledged by everyone, then you can become a Queen." Her eyes widened in shock, 'those are the same words that Stepmother told me' Ariana thought with a smile, "Okay, I will keep that in mind, Itachi." she smiled and he smiled back, then they went to Seal Beach, now it's crowded with people, enjoying their last summer break before school and work starts. Ariana is yet confused why people is wearing a too-much revealing clothing, but she chose to shrug it off. "Alright, little one, I have a suggestion." Itachi said crouching down to his daughter's height, "You go out there, work some magic and have as much fun as you can!" He exclaimed, "Yay!" Ariana can't help but giggle at her behavior and Itachi's, like father, like daughter, but she's still confused why Itachi would let her daughter have fun by herself without him, she was about to ask but Itachi beat her to it, "I let her have fun by herself because I know she can take care of herself, she's as fixated as her mother." "Who is her mother?" "Melody." Her jaw dropped slightly, hearing that Alana's mother and Itachi's wife is the Thoreaux Witch, Melody Jay Thoreaux, "The Melody?!" He nodded slightly, making Ariana even more shocked, but she let it go anyways, "Where is she now, if I may ask?" She asked politely, "She and her two brothers are trying to find witches and sorcerers who is hiding in the shadows, in Canada." Ariana's mouth formed a shape of 'o', when she saw Alana, using her Hydrokinesis powers to create a Water Dragon, which amazed the people on the beach, even Itachi and Ariana. The dragon suddenly burst out cool water to the air, making the people feel relieved to have cold water dropped onto them, and Itachi summoned a barrier to keep him and Ariana dry. "Daddy! I made a Water Dragon to make people happy!" Alana yelled out happily, as the Dragon dispersed its aquatic body back to the sea, "Hey, Alana, let's go home, shall we? I've got tri-color dumplings for you." "Yay!" And with that, she ran towards her father's arms, Itachi decided to giving her a piggyback ride back to the house, and the half witch-half Uchiha girl couldn't be more happier.

They arrived back home an hour ago, Ariana went to sit at the comfy couch on the living room, tired of the long way from the beach. She picked up the new book that she and Itachi purchased on the way home, it's called David Copperfield by Charles Dickens, the book traces the life of David Copperfield himself from his birth to his mature manhood. She was about to read Chapter 1 when Indra came and sit beside her, but she didn't even glanced at him, he smirked, "So the Princess didn't want to talk, huh?" "Not to you." She muttered, of course Indra heard it, thanks to his sharp hearing, "Look, Princess, I'm sorry if I acted rude to you when you first got here. I just hated royalties until now. The royalties is what caused my sister, the former Musical Queen, Haruka to be vicious and violent, that's why I hated royalties." He confessed, Ariana is surprised that he could be this gentle, she put her hand on his shoulders, "It's okay, Indra. People can hate us royalties, but I don't care. I used to be hated by the villagers of my clan, because I was full of weaknesses, but Stepmother always said, that weaknesses can motivate you to become anything." She advised, it made Indra smile. "Thanks for understanding, Princess." He joked, she huffed and pouted in response, he chuckled then ruffled her hair with a wide grin, not knowing a certain spiky-haired Uchiha watching them from upstairs, showing a glint of jealousy in his eyes.

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