EXTRA "Mating Season"

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(Warning: Male x Male, Caution: this is Yaoi rated Lemon. Read it at your own risk. But for those who understand, please enjoy it!!!!)

A month and a half have passed since the day when the master came to rescue me. Since that day I have noticed that something in me changed either physically or mentally. I who thought was only a human now faced the undeniable truth that I have become a werewolf. Soon when I returned home Alfred quickly aided to my side and helped me recover. Of course, I'm grateful to Master for rescuing me but other than that he's pretty useless. The one who took care of my body after that transformation was Alfred. He said that I shouldn't move and that I should rest. For my body hasn't adjusted to the changes, if I try to force myself to move then I might damage my body.

For several days I was bedridden unable to move any part of my body. It's not that my body was numb but it's more like every time I try to move, I could feel my body being electrocuted. Alfred said that something like that is normal. It is one of the parts in my transformation but usually, it would only last for two days yet it actually took me two whole weeks before I could move my body. Maybe it's because I was forced to transform so my body is in a complete shock. The recovery was unbearable and painful, good thing it's over now. Oh yeah while I was recovering master sometimes would visit me and sit beside my bed. He was so thoughtful, though he can't do anything he was so gentle and nice to me that I feel I have recovered faster because of him. But maybe that's just my imagination.

After I make a complete recovery, my body has changed in the most bizarre way but Alfred found it normal. My strength seemed to multiply, the other day when I grabbed the shovel, I swear I only grabbed it yet I managed to break it into two. That wasn't even the worst of it, I almost destroy everything I touched. Alfred said that the strength I have now is far greater than when I was a human that's why the strength that I usually need as a human is unnecessary for my new strength. Thanks to my breaking so many things Alfred had to train me in controlling my strength. Now I haven't broken anything yet so it was rather effective.

Other than my strength my outer appearance also changed greatly. Now I have this dog or wolf ears sticking out of my head while my normal human ear seemed to disappeared and a bushy tail on my butt. My nails also grew longer and sharper. I wanted to cut it but once I did, it always returned back. I gave up and try my best not to claw anything. AND THANKS TO MY TAIL!!! Alfred had to sew all of the clothes so my tail can get through it. I have become so handful now, I just hope Master isn't bothered by it. I really don't want to be hated by Master after all. One more thing, my body has grown and I mean really grown. Before I was only 4'9 feet but after that transformation, I managed to grow until 5'57 feet. My bones were stretch to its limit, that's why it hurts so much. I think the master is 6'1 feet so I was still smaller than master but now I don't have to lift my gaze so high to meet his. That was kinda nice I think. So many changes had happened to me that I started to feel like I'm not myself. Even my voice is lower than it used to.

I have really changed...

I was inside the garden doing my usual routine when I saw Alfred coming towards me with a basket in his hands.

"Shion, here's your lunch"

"Thank you, Alfred"

I stopped doing what I was doing and went to Alfred. Now when I stand beside Alfred I could feel that I'm almost as tall as him. Hmm... I really have changed and it feels weird. I used to lift my gaze to see things but now I don't have to do that anymore. It was nice but still felt strange in some way.

"Thank you"

"I have put some extra since you have grown so much"

"Ah! Yes, thank you for that Alfred"

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