Chapter 4 "My Duties toward My Master"

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A few weeks have passed since I have been here. I'm working my way around here. I've tried my best and after many errors I have finally memorized the whole mansion. Well not, everything but enough for me to get by and know the places I need to go. Even though it has been a few weeks I don't think I'll be as good as Alfred in cleaning. But at least I made an effort for it. Alfred has really been patient, not only does he thought me how to clean he also helped me learn basic things such as reading and writing. Which I never had the opportunity to learn for no one would want to teach me.

I have always been kept as a slave so I have never had the need to learn these things. When I told Alfred he was determined to teach me. So my days continued with me learning everything he thinks that I might need as well as how to clean. I'm actually happy that Alfred would teach me how to read, because now I can read few simple words and some books that Master has in his huge library. Every time I managed to learn something new, Alfred never failed to praise me. I kinda liked this kind of life way better than before.

Even though I feel tired and I had to do so many things, but I don't mind it because I feel as though I'm free. I'm also treated as a living being rather than a doll or an object.

It's already noon and I'm at the garden with Alfred. Alfred also thought me how to tend then garden as well, maybe he decided this because I once said that I really being in the garden. He told me to pull the weeds while he cut the bushes. I would do anything to maintain this beautiful garden after all for me this Garden is like a small paradise, filled with many beautiful flowers with so many varieties. I always enjoyed myself drifting into my thoughts when I lazed around in the garden.

It's just like a rainbow so many vibrant colors filled the garden, due to the varieties of the flower growing here. Other than the colors what I liked most was the smell. This garden was so fragrant. If Alfred decided for us to take a break I would always come back here with no fail. I would just brush my hands against the flower or bushes and let my eyes wander through the garden endlessly. I remembered when I was just a toy to those people, they have brought many jewels to decorate me. Yet none of the jewels I remembered could even be compared to the beautiful flowers growing here.

As I let my gaze fall upon the mansion I couldn't help but to always be amazed. The mansion was truly beautiful far different from the ruins I first saw. And what's more the mansion looked the most beautiful when the sun is shone upon it.

"This place is even more beautiful under the sun"

"Are you done, Shion?"

Alfred called, I quickly stopped my day dreaming and pulled a few more weeds.

"I'm done over here"

Alfred stopped as well, he was trimming some of the bushes. He looked at me and smiled gently, when I looked at Alfred I can't help but wonder If I have a father would he too act like how Alfred towards me. Because to me Alfred really does look like my father, if I have ever seen mine. I walked towards him.

"What should I do next, Alfred?"

"You can take a break it's almost lunch. I'll prepare some right now. You should wait here. You can sit under that shady tree. After all you always come here on your break"

I blushed a bit... How did he know that? Was he really paying attention to me? Alfred is really nice. Sometimes I kinda wondered if Alfred really is similar to a father figure or a mother figure, well any case Alfred still feels like my parents. I had always wanted a parent figure in my life but I always brush it off because I know that it isn't something that will happen to me sooner or later. So I just let it pass my mind, but now I'm glad I can feel it with Alfred being here.

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