Chapter 3 "My New Master is a Vampire"

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After what had happened we are now sitting in the living room with me still frozen by what I had seen. At that moment, my mind was racing fast.

"Here's your tea"

The old man placed a cup of tea in front of me. I didn't say anything because I was still shocked by what had happened. I just realized that my new master is sleeping inside a coffin. Now that I think about it, I just remembered what had happened the other night. How could I forget such a thing? Maybe I was too much in a shock. Also, I learned that I was asleep for more than four days now. And when I asked where we are, the butler said that we were in the same ruin I saw a couple nights before, the mansion that looked like a ruin was only a decoy and it was made with magic. So no one would realize the true shape of the mansion. So many things are rushing through my mind at this moment.

But the one thing I noticed is that I'm treated differently here. Usually, I would already inside a cage with my feet and hands bound by a chain. Or I would have already taken inside a room and be whipped or slashed by knives yet now I was sitting in front of my new master drinking tea. Such a difference, compared to how I'm usually treated. This time there's no chain or anything, they haven't done anything to me either. All of these new feelings made me feel weird. Also usually I would start thinking of running away but this time I don't even have any intention to run away. I'm shocked but I'm not scared or disgusted, this is all so new to me.

I picked up the teacup and took a sip out of it, as well to peek at my new master. After leaving his creepy and gloomy room, I could see his striking features much better. He was still the same as the other night I saw him or maybe he looked even more charming. Just a glance from him was enough to make my face flushed. Though I'm a boy myself I hardly ever see such a handsome master. After all, all the masters I have so far were nothing more than disgusting noblemen who toyed me for their own amusement. YUCK!! Gross, I choke a bit at the tea and started coughing. I need to stop remembering it.

I placed the cup back at the table. The old man now stood beside my new master. Who still looks nonchalant at everything that is happening right now.

"Why don't you introduce yourself first, before I explain about this matter further?"

I nodded.

"...I don't have a name... "

The old man looked at me with surprised but my master didn't even look at me, instead, he continued to look at his cup as if something interesting was there. I decided to continue...

"Since I have been sold to many masters, every master gave me different names which suit them"

After all, I'm nothing more than a pet for them so why should I have a name on my own. I lowered my head, depressed at my own words. All this time no one gave me a proper name so I have never had a name that is mine. I should have gotten used to this yet I always feel depressed about it, laughable. Since I could remember I have never seen my parents and by the time I can remember, I was already alone, isolated by everyone always being alone.

I kept silence, I didn't continue for I'm waiting for them to give me a name.

"I see... It's not like we can anything about this, then what do you wish to call him, master?"

My new master put down his cup and this time he gazed at me properly. He was staring at me so intensively that I shivered a bit under his gaze. What the heck!! Why is he looking at me like that? From his gaze I could tell that he wasn't looking me like my previous master, he didn't look like he pitied me either unlike a few nights back. He's so different that I'm confused as to how to act toward him.


Eh...!! Is that my new name?

"The master has spoken then your name is Shion, welcome to your new home Shion. Now I will begin the explanations. My name is Alfred, your new master is-"

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