Part 45- The Wrong Time

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Episode 10
Looks like I have more motivation during the school year. Writing then is like a release for me.

Bran's POV
I felt myself squirming. But I could not wake up. I thrashed and moaned trying to pull myself out of my dreamlike state. But it wasn't a dream. I felt my body relax and my eyelids flutter. Suddenly, nothing else mattered. I couldn't see what was happening in the real world at the moment. I could only see a hundred pictures at once. A brown haired girl holding a newborn babe to her breast. My father with Ice at the nape of his neck. My Aunt Lyanna's sad smile. And then a clearer picture of the army of the dead. Except..they were marching. On the wrong side of the wall. Our side.

As I opened my eyes, my stomach felt tight with dread. I tried to keep y/n's words in my mind. I took a deep breath, trying to settle my racing heart, to no prevail. How could that be possible? As she said.. As my uncle Benjen had said...there is magic cast upon the would be impossible. Now I wished I did see the rest of way lay unknown. I could've prepared. My fear got the best of me. The wall.. Was there a way to get it down? Even if it burned and melted and the Night King walked past gracefully, would magic lay in its puddles? I wondered this. These are things no maester or magister could know. But I should. I should know. I have to know. The only others who could know would be the Gods. The last time I prayed to them, they seemed sad. I feared for Westeros, I feared for my home, I feared for my wife, my family. My throat clenched as my door opened roughly, scattering my thoughts. "Oh Rickon.." "Bran..I had a dream. I-I.." "What kind of dream..." I ask uncertainly. "There was this tall man. A boney man. With cold blue eyes." My flesh froze within and I couldn't say a word no matter know hard I tried. "Come here." Rickon willingly enough approached me and embraced me. Rickon couldn't warg..but looking back, this isn't the first time he's had a vision. He's a Stark. He has the blood of the first men. And of other wargs. For all I knew he was a greenseer. It didn't seem likely but I intended to find out before it was too late. "Do you think you could gather Jon and Robb for me?" I faintly heard multiple pounding footsteps and frantic whispers from the halls. "I wish to pray." Rickon turns around as the sounds get louder and they captured my attention. Rickon shouted. "YOU! Yes you there. Come. COME MAN HAVE YOU NO EARS?!" "Rickon!" I scold. A young kitchen attendant sulks in. "Yes my lords?" He stammers. "What is the tension for?" When the man didn't answer I clearly saw the impatience and fury in Rickon's eyes. Too quick to anger. As if by cue, Shaggydog growls and the man yelps. When he looks into Rickon's Tully blue eyes he trembles. "T-the Lady Talisa is giving birth m-my lord." Rickon stands up quickly and the noises outside my door become more frantic. "Where is lady y/n?" I ask. "She is with the Lady Catelyn and Lady Talisa. Your sisters are there as well m'lord." "Thank you. You may go." He bows at his leave. "Rickon, you can't -" I start, but Rickon interrupts me. "This isn't a good time for a baby is it?" I feel a chill. "It will die won't it?" "Rickon! Don't say such things.." "It will won't it???" He presses. "Old Nan always said babies died from the cold. They suffocate at their mummy's breast. I heard stories that they become little baby ice crystals, and when they melt, their eyes become bluer than the ice on the wall and the Others steal them away to their army." Where Rickon heard this, I wasn't sure. But I knew he wasn't far off. I hadn't the energy to scold him any longer. The weight of the world took its toll then.

Part 2
Y/n's POV
Talisa moaned in pain tears glistening her cheeks. I wasn't sure how the Stark's normally did this but Robb did end up coming into the room. He looked sick to his stomach. He paced continuously with worry etching his face in the creases upon his forehead. "Robb." Sansa said. He glanced at her before turning around and continuing to pace. "Robb." She said more sharply. He spins around. He doesn't look angry, just confused. "Sit. Comfort her. It's natural all women have children just hold her hand." It was nice to know Sansa still held a little part of herself that delighted in fairytales of kings and queens. Robb kneels uneasily by the bed. "My lord." A young maid stands behind him. When he stands she pushes a chair towards him. "Please sit." He nods and sits down. Sansa mouths a thank you and looks back to Talisa. One maid wiped at her forehead with a damp cloth while another fussed about her. There were 5 maids in the room and it looked like chaos and confusion. Maester Luwin sat in a chair in the corner. Every time Robb asked when he was say not yet and stay in his chair. Robb looked frustrated but I trusted Maester Luwin. He pulled all of the stark children and who knows how many others before their generation. Talisa's fingers fidgeted and she felt for Robb's hand. "Robb.." "Yes?" "Robb." "What is it dear.." "There's so many of them they're making me anxious please tell them to leave.." Robb looks up at the maids. "Leave. My wife doesn't want you here any longer. You've done well in caring for her but she needs a little quiet time." The maids begin to leave slowly. "Not her." she points her finger at one. "She can stay. She wasn't doin..any 'arm." She says weakly. The maid walks back over slowly and begins to dab at her head once more with a cloth. All of the sudden a maid screams outside. Talisa moans in pain. Robb looks worriedly towards the door. Agony. "RICKON!!!" We hear a shout. It sounded like..Bran. I hear a pair of fists slamming against the door. What must've been Osha shouts loudly to the boy. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! DO YOU KNOW NOTHING BOY." We hear a wail and what sounds like the scraping of nails. "I WANT TO SEE HER!!" He screams. "No! That is no place for little boys!" "Arya and Sansa got to see me.. Bran did too." "Bran wouldn't remember he was too young so why does it matter." "It's not FAIR." "That was your motha's choice leave Talisa be." Next thing I know I hear a gasp, followed by a loud smack and a wailing scream followed by a thump. "Hodor!" The giant screaches. Everything got quiet. "Someone 'ad to teach 'em." Theon's voice. I got up then. I looked back to Talisa. "Bring them in I don't mind. They're like ..." She breathes heavily for a moment and winces. "Ohhh.." She closes her eyes tightly. "They're like little brothers" She cries out. Maester Luwin shakes his head when Robb looks over nervously. At that, I March over to the door and swing it open. The first thing I see is Rickon sprawled on the floor Osha kneeled next to him picking him up. There is blood smeared all over the floor. When she lifts him into her arms his face is starting to bruise in a large red welt. His nose is bleeding profusely and there are hand marks on his throat. He is unconscious. I couldn't imagine how hard Theon had to hit him but I didn't have to. A bump was forming on his head for when he impacted the ground so hardly. Bran looked horrified and tried his best and reach over to him from his cart. Theon smirked proudly like he had done a good thing. I hear a gasp from inside as Osha lifts Rickon into her arms. His lip was bleeding probably from biting it and the sight of him was simply monstrous. Robb stood up still holding Talisa's hand. She looked frightened. I felt my vision sort of blur. I could only see Theon. I raised my hand back and hit him as hard as I could in the face. He spluttered and fell on his bottom holding his face. "What the hell y/n?!" "SHUT THE FUCK UP." At that, Catelyn came out from the room. Responding to her baby's scream. She held her skirts looking around frantically seeing Theon on the floor, holding his cheek. She spins around and clenches her skirts tighter when she sees Rickon. Her eyes glower with hate. Ned comes up then and takes in the situation. He suddenly grabs Catelyn as she tries to leap to Theon. She screams and yells at him. Osha snarls and looks to me. "Hold 'im. Im goin to teach this one a lesson." She hands me Rickon's limp body and I do my best to hold the child. I find myself not wanting to watch and I motion for Hodor. After some urging, Hodor pushes bran inside and I follow. The maid gently closes the door and all of the noise dies down. The last thing I hear is. "If you ever hurt the little man again.." I turn to Talisa. " he alright?" She looked distressed. This wasn't good for her health at the moment. Maester Luwin stands up. "Set him down. I'll retrieve some supplies. When I get back I'll check lady Stark here once more." He steps out and I briefly catch a glimpse of Theon on the floor with Osha standing over him before the door closes again. "Sit down here." The maid says to me. Bran's eyes were on his little brother but he tears them away to look at Talisa. I sit down and the maid returns to Talisa's side. "I hope he's okay Robb.." "He'll be just fine my love. He's been through worse." I felt my throat tighten at that. Rickon moans in my arms painfully and moves slightly. I stroke his hair and Bran takes his hand. "He didn't deserve that. Nothing he does is his fault. It's who he is. He didn't deserve that." Bran's frown deepens. "What did he do?" "He punched a maid. He didn't do it hard. He shouldn't have done it at all but..what Theon did was so much worse. The maid was a weak one she cried for nothing. If he punched Robb like that he'd let out a breath if that, and that'd be it." "Is she okay?" "Yes she walked away quickly to get away from him." "You shouldn't have shut the door you know. "Why?" "Shaggydog." I feel bike rise in my throat. Robb gets up then, not wanting anymore chaos and rushes to the door. Osha was still standing over Theon. Ned, cat, and now Ser Rodrick accompanied her and held Shaggydog with all of their might. Summer snarled at him. I hadn't noticed them before. He looked ready to tear into Theon with his glowering green eyes. When the door opened he froze and looked inside at Rickon. "Come Shaggydog go to him. Go." Robb urged. Shaggydog padded in followed by Summer. He willingly enough went to my side and stared at Rickon. He whimpered and pulled at his sleeve with his teeth. When he didn't move, he rested his face on Rickon's lap and whimpered. Robb silently went back to Talisa's side. She wouldn't take her eyes off of us but she held Robb's hand tightly. "Just a regular day in Winterfell eh?" She jokes weakly. We laugh gently and she smiles.

Summer child~Brandon Stark x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu