"Uh no problem," Nino said back uncertainly, looking over as Marinette forced her way into the interaction with an apologetic smile.

"Uh sir," she said quietly, her hands wrapped around each other. "I'm sorry, but why are you trying to move Ms. Bustier's classroom?'

All of the gathered students blinked once before looking up at their principal who suddenly looked slightly irritated, a murmur picking up as Marinette forced everyone to remember the cause of what had happened.

"That is an adult matter young miss," Mr. Damocles said evasively, but then Adrien spoke up, hands on his hips.

"Sir that isn't fair is it? To just move her classrooms in the middle of the year. She's worked incredibly hard Marinette is right to question it."

"Yeah!" Nino jumped in, backing away from Mr. Damocles' hands. "She is our teacher, switching her out is bogus!"

Mr. Damocles sputtered a moment, looking around at the students as they started to rally against him. "This is a matter of faculty, and not-"

Alya spoke next, fearlessly getting in the principal's face. "That isn't cool! She works so hard you can't just do that to her! Don't think this is staying off the school blog, I'm sure everyone in the whole school would agree that moving her is wrong." Alya shifted her weight onto one hip, waggling her phone in one hand like it was a weapon as she added, "And I'm sure a lot of the board members will have something to say about such an intricate matter being public knowledge."

Nino grinned at the savvy reporter, Mr. Damocles looking thoroughly backed into a corner. Leave it to Alya to go for the balls.

The owl like man adjusted his coat, murmuring under his breath something like, "Perhaps the decision could be reviewed..." before walking away, retreating to his office as Alya stood triumphantly.

"Nice one," Nino complimented her as the students started to return to their classroom, a few making a point of saying kind things to their teacher as they entered. "He's gonna think twice before crossing you."

"As he should," Alya said with a grin, looking at him over her glasses. "And everyone should think twice before crossing you now too, that was pretty cool back there. Never knew you could do something so brave. Adrien's right, we really owe you."

Nino stared at her, laughing a little bashfully and looking over at Marinette and Adrien who still stood nearby though not together. "Uh, well thanks. Just did what needed doing."

"If you think you're getting away without an interview you're dead wrong," Alya said with a laugh, walking away towards Marinette to drag her towards the classroom. She called over her shoulder to Nino just before crossing through the door, saying, "So don't try and leave before I get one!"

Nino stared after her for a few seconds before chuckling to himself, looking over as he realized it was only himself and Adrien left in the hallway, the model back to looking a little miffed all of a sudden.

"What's your deal?" Nino started to say, before yelping as Adrien socked him in the arm.

"Thanks for just ditching me with LB!" he hissed, slightly red in the face again as Nino started to laugh in his face.

"Hey you're welcome, are you meeting up with her tonight or what?"

Adrien blanched, looking away nervously even though he was still smiling a little. "Uh, yeah. She's gonna come over..."

Nino hooted as he punched the air, his arm a little sore. "Aw yeah! Dude are you guys gonna go to dinner or something?"

"No!" Adrien answered quickly, looking around to make sure no one was listening. "She's a superhero dude it's not like we can make a reservation somewhere. She's just coming over to hang out."

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