Thanks For My Daughter//Syndisparklez

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A/n: fight me I love my Single Parent AU and my cruddy third person view.

Jordan sighed, typing in his password and giving his phone to his daughter, Ianite. She giggled and began tapping randomly on the phone. Martha watched over her shoulder, trying to grab the phone from her. The twins fought for a bit until they pressumibly hit a game app because they both stopped, transfixed on whatever was going on.

The tube wasn't crowded, random people strewn about in the seats probably because it was an ungodly hour. Ianite frowned when she tried to tap onto an app but didn't get access to it, because there were things Jordan was not going to explain to his daughters and why it was on his phone.

That's when Martha bursted out into tears. "What's wrong sweetie?" Jordan asked, wrapping an arm around Martha.

"Capsize's at home," Her lip wobbled as she full-on started crying. Ianite grimaced before crying too. Ianite was a year older than Martha but that didn't change the fact she was four, and cried over everything. The few people in the tube all looked at him, as if saying "can't you shut up your kids" while hiding behind judgey eyes. Jordan sighed, knowing that there was no point in convincing them that Capsize was just a doll, but that didn't stop him from trying to comfort the crying children.

"It's okay, Martha. Capsize isn't going anywhere, she'll be fine." Jordan said, trying to sooth her. Martha's sobs had gotten progressively quieter, but she still was crying. She was mumbling incoherent things, looking really focused on getting her point across whilst crying. Jordan felt his shirt getting wet from her tears. He only pulled her closer, feeling awful.

"Daddy!" Martha suddenly screamed, "Ianite is gone too!" Now that got his attention. Jordan looked over to the other aide of Martha only to see an empty space where Ianite was once sitting, her and his phone no where to be found. Jordan resisted the urge to curse. She couldn't have gotten that far, the next stop isn't for fifteen minutes. He picked up a screaming Martha and made his way down the aisle, ignoring the "are you a kidnapper or an annoying parent" looks he was getting.

Why was he all the way in the back of the tube? He quickly realized that, yeah, everyone could here his screaming children from the back and yeah there were more people than he thought. Jordan looked from left to right, contemplating putting down Martha just so he could walk faster. Ianite got herself into a lot of trouble all the time for her sister, and Jordan was worried that one day some stranger will pick her up and he'll never see her again. Luckily this is a tube and you can't exactly steal someone whilst you're in a moving vehicle.

He was really starting to get worried though after five minutes of frantically searching each section. That was until he noticed some bright purple hair (that was the result of an irresponsible person supervising Ianite). Martha had gotten quiet by then and was still quietly crying into his shoulder. When he got closer he saw that she was crying a little and talking to a really hot guy.


Said hot guy was seemingly trying to calm her down, asking questions like "what's you're dad's name?". He had Jordan's phone in one hand, the other on Ianite's shoulder. It was sad to look at so ha finally spoken up, thankful this guy was the only person in the section besides a sleeping old man.

"Um, excuse me, that's my daughter." Jordan said awkwardly, gesturing towards Ianite. The guy looked up and smiled, and wow that was a good look for him. Martha belatedly realized that he'd found Ianite and squirmed to get to her. Jordan put her down and Martha, the very attached three year old she was, clutched onto her sister like she was going to die if she let go. Whilst that happened, Ianite held onto Jordan like she was going to die if she let go.

"Well that's good. I was worried you'd already stepped off the tube or something." The guy said. "I was just about to get up and help her look, actually."

"I guess she wandered off while I was taking care of Martha, I'm sorry."

"No worries, really, I'm just glad you're here. My name is Tom, by the way." He held his hand out, which Jordan took. "I'm Jordan." They shook hands and was kind of wishing the earth would swallow them up whole and he'd just wake up to his daughters on his floor.

"Oh, and this must be yours too. Or at least I would hope it is." Tom held out Jordan's phone, which Jordan accepted. "Yes it is, thank you. I completely forgot about it." Jordan replied. He really did forget about it as soon as he saw Tom, as embarrassing as it sounds. Jordan was about to thank him again and make his great escape when Tom spoke up again.

"Hey uh how about I give you my number, since it seems you need help with your kids and all." It wasn't exactly the smoothest thing Jordan has ever heard but the guy was hot, knew he had kids and didn't go running and screaming in the other direction, so he's going to take what he could get.

A/n: I was debating posting this because really i did it haphazardly and I literally only have %18 and it's 12am so bye xD

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