My Boyfriends Girls//Syndisparklez

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A/n: okay this kinda has syndisparklez in it but it revolves around toms relationship with Jordan's daughters so um yeah. Just read it.
(Cliché and sweet just how I like it)

The first time, Tom thought it was an accident.

Something cold and sticky collided with his hair. He looked up and knew. A big cone was sticking out from his head and the sticky rainbow coloured ice cream dripped down his face. Martha sat there, muffling a laugh. "Oops, it slipped!" Tom just thought she found it funny, but glared at the lavender-haired girl.

Jordan came rushing over as soon as he noticed what happened. "I'm sorry daddy I slipped! It was an accident! I swear!" Martha cried, fake tears welling in her eyes. Maybe she just doesn't want her father to know she was laughing? Tom took a shower while Jordan washed his clothes and didn't give that situation a second thought.

That is until it happens again, with Aureylain this time. She kicks him under the table and f*ck that girl plays rugby. He drops his fork and everyone stares at him with confused innocent eyes. Tom apologizes for his weird actions and brushed it off as a weird accident. Then she kicks him again. And again. And again. Martha shoots him dirty looks from across the table too when their father isn't looking.

Tom knocked on the door, getting a lilac-haired girl instead of his boyfriend, much to his disappointment. Her hair was newly-dyed and pretty, hair braided. She looked sweet if you were going based off of looks, but that little girl is someone that would ruin people in the real world.

"What do you want, pervert?" The name caught Tom off guard, making him spin around to make sure no one heard that. Luckily, no one was in the hall at this unholy hour. "What did you just call me?" Tom asked, not sure if he was just imagining this.

"DAD, THERE'S A PERV AT THE DOOR WHO WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!" Tom scrambled to cover her mouth but it was too late, she had already said it and he heard people walking over to their doors to see what was going on. Jordan walked over tiredly and pushed his daughter aside and kissed Tom's cheek. Behind him, his daughter made faces and pretended to gag. By the time people opened their doors, they just saw Jordan and Tom having a tired romantic conversation about pillows. Maybe the girls just are protective?

Scratch that, they hate him. It continued and continued, stealing food off his plate, embarrassing him in front of Jordan, calling him a pervert in public areas, faking accidents, and kicking him.

"Why do you hate me?! And don't give me any of that 'I don't know' bullshit! And tell your dad about this and I sell you out! So, get talkin' buttercup." Tom said sarcastically, shoving the last of his crips in his mouth and propping his feet up on the coffee table. Tucker was probably writing dramatic poems about his love he refused to confess to, and Jordan was at work, leaving him alone with the little girls.

"For one, don't ever call me buttercup." Martha replied. Aureylain just smiled fondly at the name before returning to her evil little expression.

"Because you like my dad and he likes you too."

"What's wrong with that?!"

"because then he'll forget about us like how our Mom did."

Tom stared wide-eyed at the two. That was new. Jordan never talked about the girls' mom, all he said was that she ended up with another man and over time stopped recognizing them or reacting with normal emotions towards them. The girls didn't talk about her either. They mentioned her before, mostly just referencing her pretty blonde hair, which must've been fake because both girls have brown hair, but dye it often.

"He would never forget about you two. You're his life." Tom mumbled, hating he had to be empathetic for the little demons. "Hell, he'd throw me out before he ever let any of you think that you weren't loved."

Both girls looked up in shock but quickly started stuttering.

"He wouldn't ever throw you out! He loves you!" Aureylain exclaimed, tugging on Tom's sleeve. "Yeah! He loves you a lot! He wouldn't let us call you dad if he didn't like you!" Martha stammered. Were these the same girls from last week? Neither of them called Tom dad they just called him Tom, but it was still surprising to hear that brought up too.

"Dad doesn't let anyone be called dad unless he really does think you're special! Please don't leave!" Tom went blank got a second, pondering what she had just said. Leave?  "Why the hell would I leave? I said nothing about leaving. Are you crazy, no way in hell I'd just leave. You'll have to pry me from here."

Both girls beamed with happiness, and showing off their missing teeth when they smiled, which was adorably cute.

"Why do I feel like I've missed something?" Jordan asked during dinner that night. It had been quiet, no arguing, no yelling, and more importantly, they were getting along. What? And since when do they smile at each other and have some secret language of eyes? Had he fallen in a worm hole? Is this even Tom? What did the aliens do with his boyfriend?

"It's really nothing important. Maybe it's my pretty hair?" Aureylain said, flaunting the fact that she got a brighter shade of red since Martha got a brighter shade of lilac. Martha was a year older, so Aureylain always did what she did.

"No, I definitely missed something. Mind telling me?" Jordan asked, looking over at Tom. Tom just shrugged. "Dunno whatcha talking about mate. Everything the same as always." Tom hid a smirk with food, nearly choking when he inhaled it.

Jordan saw the mischievous smirk, but decided it didn't matter since his boyfriend and his kids were getting along. What more could somebody want?

A/n: half of this was written when I was half asleep, so errr its not good.  Please excuse spelling and grammar mistakes XD

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