The Voice as the Fire Dies

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It's so cold. Freezing.

I don't think I've ever been this cold my entire life. I didn't have a choice though. Ben said I had to stay here, on top of this roof top while he and Lenny go and try to recover supplies. My hands are angry red, turning purple at the finger tips. I lost my gloves, when we were running away from these angry men with guns.

I was so scared. We didn't even do anything, just standing in line to get food supplies and they came out of nowhere, shooting at random people. The man said that they wouldn't do that, that we could get to the food safely. Those men looked like they belonged in Federal Prison, with the FBI and what not questioning them.

Ben went off to go find supplies with Lennny. They said they would be back when the sun touches the ruins of New Trigate Bridge. We're on the west side of the City. You can see in other cities in the distance, across the frozen River Liberty. The rail system has been shut down for a while now. Probably a bunch of people doing the same thing there like we are.

Endsbury Park was quiet. It's startin' to snow, and I know you can't fall asleep in it.

I hear a scream.

A younger man's scream and I don't even glance at the direction my brother left, tears silently sliding down my face. I was already dead inside.

Wouldn't be too much longer till my heart stops beating too.

Bang Bang


Another gunshot had me moving quicker, Lenny trailing behind me. Things have gotten worse over in the center of the city. I knew we should have stayed in the outskirts, by the Liberty River and try to sneak away from this place. This too dangerous for Kylie. Hell it's fucking dangerous for anyone!

Fuckin mad men running all over the place, controlling it and no one knows the hell why they're here. We were isolated from the rest of the world and not a single damn person was coming to help: relieve us from this dangerous game the mercenaries were making out of every single persons life in our city.

"Ben! Get down. It's the mercs."


I carefully crouches behind a large dumpster, and I flatten myself against the wall. This was going to end really fucking bad if both of us if we didn't get out of here, away from the crazy mercenaries that attacked our town.

A bitter taste is left in my mouth and I hate it.

Everything is silent but the quiet talk of the mercenaries, and the crunch of their boots against the snow covered pavement.


I feel my body go cold, frozen, the bottle still rolling away from my foot and I stare at it in disbelief. The footsteps stop briefly, and a murmur goes through the men and I've never been so terrified. I can feel my chest pulling in on itself, hands shaking, even breathing seems too loud.


Lenny speaks extremely quietly, and he moves to get up and he looks over the dumpster, and says the coast is clear. We start to walk out of the alley way when a loud bang goes off and a cloud of red sprays out of Lenny and before I can react another bang goes off and I'm falling onto the cold ground, snow surrounding me, the pain so sudden.

I looks up and there's a face above me, and he's rugged, with a red scarf around his neck, dressed in a military gear. I gurgle on blood, a metallic taste filling my mouth and god everything just fucking hurts, and my vision starts to fade, with Kylie in the front of my mind.

I'm so sorry Kylie.

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