Chapter 23 - It's Personal

Start from the beginning

Emanuel: Wow what a surprise. 

Iestyn: Yeah I didn't expect you guys to walk in here with Mia.

Madalyn: Yeah we were pretty surprised to see him too. Weren't we?

Najat: Heck ya! 

Selina: I thought I suffered a minor concussion at first.

Iestyn: We're really glad to see you Mia. You look so much better too.

Mia: Thanks! I feel much better too. Elita-1 kind of filled me in on a lot of things lately. 

Optimus: For instance, how she was able to hide the Infinity Core within her. 

Mia: That's right! You know, I really wanted to come and hang out with you guys as soon as I was able to. And here I am! I missed you guys.

Emanuel: We missed you too Mia. 

Madalyn: Okay, I'd say it's time to celebrate! Yo garcon! Another round over here! .... put it on Emanuels tab.

Emanuel: Easy uou big spender!

Emanuel punched me in the arm as the others laughed at the sitcom. But then, Mia coughed and corrected herself, putting on a tough and serious look on her face.

Mia: Unfortunatly, I've got some bad news to tell you guys. 

Everyone: Huh?

Mia: It's Chaos Bringer, he took down Shannon in New York City in China Town.

Everyone: What?! 

Madalyn: Your kidding!

Mia: And it's not only Shannon. I got some serious information that Robert was hit in Rome as well.

Emanuel: Robert too?!

Najat: I guess that means.... he got to Zach.

Mia: I'm sad to say but yes, it's most likely. And probably all his other ex-sidekicks too. 

I formed my hands into fists and slammed them on the table, almost spilling my drink.

Madalyn: Darn it! It's gotta be revenge! He's getting revenge on all of them!

Mia: No Maddie, I think there is more to all of this then simple revenge. 

Optimus: He is probably trying to increase Soundwaves attack level in order to make him evolve. 

Predaking: It makes sense. Slipstream and Ransack were both very powerful Transformers. 

Selina: But then that could mean....

Najat: That could mean that Soundwave has already evolved! 

I pushed myself up from my seat at the table and looked up at everyone.

Madalyn: Then I say bring it on! Cause Optimus is already evolved, he could take down Soundwave easy! So he'd better quit hiding in the shadows like the chicken he is!

Mia: Well then, I guess I'll be going. Thanks for the drink.

Mia got up from her seat at the table with a smile on her face as she placed some money down to pay for her drink and began heading for the door.

Madalyn: Huh? You gotta leave already?

Mia: Yeah, sorry about that. I'm kind of in the middle of a trip with my mom. She said she wanted to take me and see all kinds of cool new places because I was cooped up in that hospital for so long. I gotta say, it's been a blast so far! 

Selina: I sure wish I could go with you.

Mia: Thanks again you guys. See you later.

Madalyn: Hey bud!

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