Chapter 21 - Things Just Got Complicated

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Chaos Bringer's P.O.V.

I deactivated the ground bridge and found myself in a plaza in Rome, Italy. But I wasn't alone when I left the battlefield. Just behind me, was Robert. His clothes were torn up, cuts and bruises covered his body. His pupils were the smallest I've ever seen in a boy. I guess that happens when you scare and beat the leaving scrap out of someone. WIthout warning, Robert collasped face first to the concrete floor. Shocked and terrified citizens gasped and gathered around him, checking for a pulse or any sign of life.

"Oh my goodness!"


"Call an ambulence!"

The bell from the tower over head rang loudly, almost blocking the shouts and cries of the towns people anxiously trying to come to Roberts aid. I gave myself a smirk as people ran past me as I exited the plaza.

Chaos Bringer: Nighty night, Robert.

Now for my next target.


Emanuel's P.O.V.

It's hard to believe but it's actually en almost a month now, and there hasn't been any sign of Chaos Bringer or Deception. I guess you could say it's a good thing, but maybe also a bad thing. What if Chaos Bringer has been secretly looking for Elita-1 and we didn't even notice because of school?!

Emanuel: Looks like I'm running low on Predacons.

I was in my room going through my deck of cards, checking to see how much of my Predacons I still had left. So far the ones I have with me are Predaking, Razorclaw, Rampage, Divebomb, Tantrum, and Weirdwolf. I looked at the pile and sighed as I took a glance of a photo next to it. It was a photo of my full Predacon deck. Since Chaos Bringer made his debut, I've been losing more Predacons then I can find.

Emanuel: I just can't lose.

My deck is running low now. At this rate I have a high chance of losing my deck completely. Predaking's hologram appeared before me next to the pile of cards I placed on my bed.

Predaking: Don't worry Emanuel.


Shannon's P.O.V.

I was walking through the streets of China Town in New York City. Shop owners were hard at work selling their products as I pasted by. It was good to come home again. I haven't been here for a while now so I might as well enjoy it while I still can. Althought, I got the strangest feeling that I was being watched. Once a delivery man walked across behind me, I made a break for it, taking sheltor in a nearby allie. Once I realised whoever was watching me, caught up with me, I turned around taking a defensive stance.

Shannon: What do you want?! Why were you following me?!

Chaos Bringer: Why I just wanted to see you Shannon.

He just gave me a smirk as he took one step closer towards me. I back away, raising my fists in defence.

Shannon: I don't believe you Chaos Bringer. Now spill it!

He just let out a small laugh as he kept giving me this evil smile. Why is he here on my home turf? I brought out my Transformers Tablet and faced him.

Shannon: Tell you what, I beat you in a battle, you answer my question. Deal?

He nodded in reply as he brought out his tablet.

Shannon & Chaos Bringer: Ground Bridge! Open!

We activated our tablets and a pair of Decepticon insignias circled around our feet as a flash of white light appeared, transporting us to the colour dimension.

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