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Dedicated to Gabrijelaa09 for the awesome cover.

LAST CHAPTER RECAP: Kylie clutched a hand over her pounding chest, she was experiencing that feeling again. The same feeling she had on her first day at Evermoore....a feeling that her life was going to change forever.


"Have you gotten a look at the sub-maths teacher yet?"

"No but I've heard he's a chiseled sex god."

Kylie rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time at the whispering girls sitting behind her. She couldn't take anymore of the overzealous attitude towards Alaric Hyman. Her last two periods had been ruined by the never ending questions about the dreamy hunk; where did he come from, how old was he, was he single, was he gay, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Kylie groaned out softly, the Alaric fever was spreading fast among the females and she wanted no part in it. As far as she was concerned, her juicy time with Alaric had been wiped clean like the memories they had shared at Lee's party. She felt stupid for thinking that a small town girl like herself could have actually ended up with a chiseled perfection like Alaric Hyman.

"My twin senses are tingling," Nick said in a low tone, taking a seat besides his sister, "tell your big brother all your troubles and he'll make them disappear."

Kylie laughed despite herself, "really? Then can you not sit so close to me."

Nick scrunched up his face, "nope, that's not part of the deal," he lightly squeezed her cheek. "But seriously, why the long face, you know you can trust me, right."

Kylie gently squeezed her brother's shoulders, "I know."

"Good, now tell me what's got my baby sis sighing like a mother of ten."

Kylie sighed once more, "Well to begin with, I er I met-"

"I need you all to pair up," the biology teacher suddenly yelled as she entered the lab. Kylie snapped back to attention, placing a palm over her lips, a few more minutes and she would have spilled the beans about Alaric. Her brother would have lost his shit then and there and murdered Alaric in the most gruesome way possible before ratting her out and getting Kylie grounded for all eternity, talk about being saved by the bell or in Kylie's case, the teacher.

"Choose wisely now, I don't want any accidents today and yes I'm referring to the Tyler incident." The teacher continued.

A few snickers rang out in class, Nick turned to his sister, "I guess we're part--"

"Yes Nathan, I'm coming." Kylie hastily shouted after a quick scan for an escape route, "sorry bro, I already have a partner. Catch you later."

"But we were--"

Kylie hurriedly retreated from her brother, cursing herself all the way to Nathan's side. She had wanted to call Ryan and yet Nathan's name had popped right out of her mouth without a moment of rational reasoning. She had no other choice but to suck it up, it was far too late to take back her decision.

"Hi...I erm....I sho-should have asked before--"

Nathan brushed off Kylie's meaningless stammers with a wave of his hand, "I actually wanted to be partners with you, I didn't make a move cause I thought you were with that guy." He jerked his head at Nick, who was currently shooting death glares at him.

Kylie nervously chuckled, "I'll apologize on behalf of my brother, he's er kinda overprotective. We're twins, so he tends to get a little carried away when I'm with other guys."

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