Chapter 5

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I lead Loke into the kitchen and I start making him tea after I took off the heels, walking around the house barefoot.

"So, Loke, what kind of tea would you like?" I ask him, boiling the water on the stove.

"Cherry Blossom if you have it. If you don't then earl grey is good too." He says.

"I actually do have Cherry Blossom tea, it's one of my favorites, right behind (favorite kind of tea)." I smile at him as I open the cabinet and reach for the cherry blossom tea leaves.

"[Y/N]...." I hear him say as I finish putting tea leaves in the teapot.

"Yes, Loke?" I turn to him and he's looking at me with his intense gaze.

"You're a very convincing actress, you had me convinced that.... that you wanted me."

He looked like he was slightly tired and his face was tinted a bit red.

"Are you okay, Loke?" I ask, walking over to him and gently placing my hand against his forehead to check for fever. "You look tired."

He looks slightly shocked and he won't look me directly in the eyes. "I'm fine, [Y/N]..." He mumbles.

"Okay, I'll finish fixing the tea." I tell him as I go back to the teapot and I pour the hot water into the pot, letting the tea steep. I put some cookies that I had made earlier today on a plate to go with the tea and I carry them to the table.

"I hope you like [favorite type of cookie], I made them earlier today."

I watch him take one of the cookies as I am pouring the tea into the cups.

"Why don't you taste them first since you are the lovely lady that made them?" He says as he holds the cookie up to my lips.

I feel my face heat up a little before taking a bite of the cookie, my lips brush against the tips of his fingers and I pull away.

"Is it good, [Y/N]?" He asks with an almost sensual grin.

"Y-yes..." I say.

I watch as he raises the other half of the cookie to his lips and eats it. "You're right, but do you know what I think would taste better?" He has a mischievous look in his eyes.

"No, what?" I ask.

He slowly raises his hand up to gently cup my cheek and he runs the pad of his thumb gently over my lower lip. I can see a faint flush to his cheeks as he looks at me.

"I think that your lips would taste best..." yeah his face was definitely pink.

"L-Loke..." I stutter, knowing that my face is beet red.

"I know that I shouldn't, and I won't if you don't want me to, but just the thought of it is driving me crazy." He says, his voice a low sexy growl.

I blush more and lean towards him a little as if in a trance. He starts leaning towards me slowly and I slowly close my eyes. I wait expectantly for the feeling of his lips on mine.

A feeling that never comes because right when he's so close I can feel his breath, we hear the door to the house open and the voices of Lucy and Natsu and we immediately spring apart from each other, my face, no doubt a dark red.

I look over at Loke whose face is both red and looks a bit annoyed and embarrassed at the same time.

"Hey [Y/N], Loke, why are you still in the mortal realm" Lucy asks as she looks at the two of us with suspicion in her brown eyes.

Loke runs his hand through his hair and says,"There were some creeps watching the house and I wasn't about to leave her here alone when something could happen to her."

"Wow man, that's really nice of you, unless you were planning to do something to [Y/N] yourself. In which case you're a nasty pervert." Natsu says.

"N-no! He'd never do that!" I say, flustered.

"Then why are both of you red?" Lucy asks.

"It was the tea," I lie smoothly. "We've been drinking it and it's really warm so..."

"Yeah, its really good." Loke says, drinking from the cup I had poured for him.

"Uh-huh, sure, Loke..." Lucy says, looking skeptical.

"He's not lying, Lucy." I say, taking a sip of my tea after adding two spoonfuls of sugar.

"Yeah, we'll pretend we believe that." Natsu says in a tone that implies that he doesn't believe us at all.

"But it's true!" I say blushing brightly.

"[Y/N], I don't think that they're going to believe us." Loke sighs,"We might have to give up trying to convince them of the truth for tonight."

"But Loke, you were never rude to me in the slightest! You were a perfect gentleman." I say looking at him with the blush on my cheeks.

He smiles softly and affectionately at me and says,"And as long as you know that, that's okay. They don't know what happened so it doesn't matter what they think."

He gently caresses my cheek and I lean into his hand, noticing how long and elegant his fingers are, like a musicians, yet they were a bit calloused from his fighting, making them strong and masculine. I raised my hand to hold his to my cheek, closing my eyes and enjoying the feeling of it and when I opened my eyes, he was staring at me, the look in his eyes gentle and adoring.

The way he was looking at me was making me feel both adored and slightly embarrassed. Because one; this probably looks as intimate as it feels. And two; Lucy and Natsu are staring at us. I pull away a little, taking his hand off my cheek and holding it.

I thought that he looked a little disappointed that I had made this moment a bit less intimate and romantic but I decided that my eyes were playing tricks on me since we had just met.

"Loke, shouldn't you be getting back to the celestial spirit realm? I don't want the others to get worried about you."

"They know I'll be fine if I'm with you, they adore you, even Aquarius." He tells me.

"Really?! Aquarius like her too?! No wonder [Y/N] doesn't get washed away when I summon her!" Lucy says, flabbergasted.

"Are you sure it's not because I have her boyfriend's key?" I ask Loke.

"No, she definitely likes you. She loves you for being so nice to Scorpio." Loke smiles.

Lucy's jaw drops, and I am trying not to laugh.

Right then Happy comes in and sees me and Loke holding hands. A Cheshire-cat grin comes across his face as he proclaims,"You love him! "

"Happy!" I exclaim, blushing."I-Its not like that! We haven't known each other long enough for that!"

"So you don't like me?" Loke says looking a bit sad.

"N-no I do, I really like you!" I realize what I just said and I feel like I just stuck my face in a fire and I cover my face which is no doubt a darker red than Erza's hair.

I hear him chuckle softly and he lifts my chin with his finger, "It's okay, I like you too." He smiles softly at me. "I should be getting back to the celestial spirit realm." He pulls me in for a hug and kisses the top of my head and whispers into my ear so his lips brush against my ear. "Goodnight, [Y/N]."

He then takes a step back and gives me a sexy smile before he disappears in a flash of light.

I hear Happy say,"He loooves you!"

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Happy New Year! Here's to hoping that 2017 is better than 2016!

I hope y'all enjoy the new chapter! Let me know what y'all think by commenting, I love reading y'all's comments!

Again, thank you so much for reading my story and I'll start writing the next chapter ASAP!

I love you guys!

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