Chapter 2

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The boy with the gorgeous orange hair started to walk towards us and I could feel the heat flooding my cheeks and I could hear my heart thundering in my chest.

He came to a stop in front of me and I looked down at my shoes and I folded my hands together in front of me. He was so much taller than me even in my heels which were kinda starting to hurt my feet.

"You must be [y/n]." He said and I looked up in surprise and the sunglasses that he had been wearing a moment ago were gone and I was staring into eyes at were a darker blue than the sea. They were surprisingly gentle given all the stories I had been told about how fierce a warrior he was by not only Lucy but also my own spirits. I had also never expected him to be so handsome. My heart stopped.

"Y-yes. You must be Leo." I say.

He smiles and takes my hand, leans down, and kisses it,"Yes, I am, but please call me Loke. Shall we go in?"

I look to the others and I realize that Mystogan is here with his arm around Erza and he's not hiding his face. They look like such a nice couple and I realize that everyone else here is a couple as Happy leaves saying that he had a date with Carla.

Loke offered me his arm and I timidly placed my hand on his elbow and he leads me inside with the others and their dates.

I looked at the others and was stunned to find that all three of the other boys were wearing suits. I didn't even know that they even owned suits, especially not Grey. Mystogan looked a little uncomfortable with his face showing and Natsu just looked like he was ready to eat.

We walked into the restaurant and Loke lead us to a table and he pulled my chair out for me to sit down and I blush more and I take the seat and he moves to sit across from me as Mystogan takes his seat next to me.

I look at Erza and Juvia and they look beautiful and I become very self conscious and I nervously fiddle with my pendant nervously.

Mystogan sees my nervous fiddling and asks softly,"Are you okay, [y/n]?"

"I-I'm not sure. I don't know this feeling... My heart is beating fast, my face is hot, and my stomach feels like it has butterflies in it..."

He smiled kindly at me and put his large, warm, comforting hand on my head and said,"You'll be okay, [y/n]."

Mystogan had always been so nice to me and I liked to think of him as my big brother. "Thank you, Adelphos." I say using the Greek word for brother.

He smiles and gently pats my head, smiling.

I look back at Loke and he's looking straight at me with his breathtaking smile and I blush and look down.

I close my eyes and suddenly I feel a strong finger under my chin, lifting my face to look at Loke and he says,"Please don't look away, I want to be able to see your beautiful [y/e/c] eyes and that adorable blush of yours."

My face got even hotter when he said that and and I look away. Dang, he's smooth!

"I'm not that nice to look at, Loke. Are you sure you aren't drunk?" I ask.

"Only on your intoxicating presence, [y/n]." He says with that enticing, flirtatious smirk.

I quickly excuse myself from the table to go to the bathroom and when I am safely in the bathroom with the door closed, I cover my face with my hands and let out a high pitched whine and I quickly clean up the nosebleed that I felt coming on from how overly sexy he was being and I make sure I still look okay before heading back out there.

I walk back to the table and sure enough, when I was almost to the table and I saw him looking at me, I trip over my own heels and I am falling.

I squeeze my eyes shut accepting my fate and waiting to hit the floor but I never do. Instead I feel strong arms around my waist, holding me close to what feels like a very well muscled, lean torso.

I slowly open my eyes and what I see is Loke's face extremely close to my own. His face is about 5 inches from mine. Wow, he's fast!

I feel the instant blush and I didn't need a mirror to know that my entire face was a dark crimson color. He looked at me and said,"You should be more careful, [y/n]."

In my embarrassment, I find myself apologizing," I-I'm sorry, I'm not used to walking in heels."

He smiles and sets me on my feet and then lead me back to my chair.

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