Chapter 3

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When I sit back down in my seat, Mystogan, true to his attitude towards me as a doting older brother, starts fretting over me, making sure I'm okay. Once I have reassured him for the hundredth time that I'm okay, he leaves me alone and I hear Loke chuckling.

"W-what's so funny?" I ask

"Mystogan's weak flirting skills."

"He wasn't flirting with me. He's dating Erza and he's like my older brother." I tell him.

"You are so innocent and sweet, [Y/N], that you have no idea when a man is flirting with you."

"I am not flirting, Loke. [Y/N] is like my precious little sister." Mystogan tells him.

"Whatever you say, Mystogan." Loke says but he doesn't sound convinced.

He looked right at me and watched me like one would stare at something extremely interesting. It made me very nervous.

"W-why are you staring at me?" I ask him.

"Because I can understand why Mystogan would want to flirt with you."

"We've already established this, Mystogan wasn't flirting. Why do you think he would?" I ask.

"Because you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life and right now..." he leans in close to me and whispers in my ear,"I want to strip you down and see every inch of that beautiful, sexy body of yours."

He pulled away giving me that irresistibly sexy smirk and my already hammering heart sped up and my red face put a tomato to shame.

He chuckled and he brushed a strand of hair that had fallen in my face behind my ear, caressed my cheek, and started slowly leaning closer and closer to my face.

Just when he was so close it seemed like he was gonna kiss me, but then Mystogan and Grey pushed him away from my face.

"Don't touch her." Grey says acting just like Mystogan.

"She's too pure for you." Mystogan says.

I am staring wide eyed at the three of them, wondering what in the world just happened.

Loke chuckled and looked at me with gentle eyes and smiled softly at me,"I hope we can continue that conversation later, [y/n]."

I blushed more and nodded to him and I felt his fingers brush against mine on the table. I blushed and smiled shyly at him as he took my hand gently into his and held it like he thought my hand was so fragile and precious that it would break if he squeezed it.

I squeezed his hand to reassure him that I was strong and I wouldn't break and he smiled at me. That smile was innocent, sweet, and almost shy. It warmed my heart and made me feel happy and it made my heart flutter.

I held his hand in mine and the waitress brought out our food.

***********Time Skip brought to you by Haruka Nanase's amazing stripping abilities**********

After dinner, Loke told the others that he'd walk me home and after we waved goodbye to them, we started walking.

Instead of going straight home, Loke lead me towards the park.

"(Y/N), you look absolutely stunning, but I don't think those shoes suit you. Besides they don't look very comfortable." He tells me.

I give him a sheepish smile,"That's because they aren't comfortable at all and they're giving me blisters because they haven't been broken in yet..."

He looked at me incredulously and asked,"And you walked all the way to the restaurant and were planning to walk all the way home?"

"Yeah, that was pretty much the plan..." I say smiling apologetically at him.

He leads me to the nearest bench and lets me sit down then kneels in front of me and takes my right foot into his hands and removes my shoe and starts massaging my foot. My expression must have been pretty funny because he looked up at my face and chuckled at me.

"Honestly, (y/n) you shouldn't push yourself so hard." He chastises me, but then his eyes soften and a gentle smile comes,"I wouldn't want you to be hurt."

I blushed and looked away from the ridiculously handsome spirit in front of me. I heard him chuckle and I felt him replace that shoe on my foot and move to the other.

"Why would you do something like this for a girl you just met?" I ask him.

He smiles at me,"Because I've heard from the other zodiac spirits that you are the kindest celestial wizard that has ever held their keys. Aries talks about how nice you are all the time and Scorpio talks about how incredibly strong you are and how you summoned all of your spirits at once only when you truly needed them. All of your spirits love you and wish to protect you. I want to do this to thank you for everything you do for them."

"Oh, you don't have to do this, Loke. I'm happy that they all speak so highly of me. They are my family and I love every single spirit I have." I smile at him.

He blushes a little and he replaces the shoe and he scoops me into his arms effortlessly and holds me bridal style.

"L-Loke?!" I exclaim, turning so red that it put the color of Erza's hair to shame.

He gave me a sexy boyish grin and said,"Let me carry you home, (y/n). Besides, your feet still hurt, don't they?"

"Y-Yes b-but-" I stammer.

"But what?" He asked.

"A-Aren't I too heavy to carry all the way home? Besides, I don't want to cause you any trouble..." I say shyly, blushing.

He laughs and it's a musical sound and he says,"(y/n), you aren't that heavy and it's no trouble. Besides, I like holding you, you're soft."

I blush more at his words.

"Now please just relax and let me carry you."

"O-okay..." I say and give up on trying to stop him from carrying me.

He then carried me as we made our way through the rest of the park and he walked home.

Author's Note: Hi guys! Erica here! I hope that y'all are enjoying my fan fiction! I thought that this chapter I would write my first author's note so here I am.

First of all, I would like to apologize because this chapter took so long because I had work and by the time I got home and had free time to write, I was completely exhausted but FINALLY! Today is my last day of work and I'll have an entire week to write before I have to go back to school.

I'll try to write as much as I can and get the next chapter or two out.

Second, I would like to thank all of my readers for reading this fan fiction.

Third, I would like to thank my friend Katiekitty99 for making me get a wattpad and for letting me adopt the fan fiction for Free! Iwatobi swim club that we started writing together. Agapay, Katie.

(Agapay is Atlantean for "I love you")

And finally, I want to ask you to please keep reading my stuff and if you would leave comments, it would be completely appreciated and please if you see any grammar problems or punctuation errors please let me know. Also, let me know what you would like to see in the next chapter.

Well that's all I have for now! I hope y'all enjoy this!

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