"No I don't. I think you're beau-" He was saying but suddenly the car we were riding made a very loud noise. "What the hell?" Luke nervously started to touch everything around the car. More banging noises and we came to a stop after a few seconds. "You've got to be kidding me..." I heard Luke mutter furiously under his breath. I was literally so lost, I can't believe this had to happen right now, with us. It just had to be us.

"Jesus Christ!" Luke shouted angrily stepping out of the car and taking a look up front. He lifted the car hood, fiddling around everything. "I think I found the prob-" he shouted but as soon as he opened his mouth, some type of black oil spat him in the face, dirtying him all over his face and some of his shirt. I literally face palmed myself. This couldn't be happening.

"Luke, do you want me to help you?" I asked, rolling the window down. I felt really bad, I knew it wasn't his fault.

"No, no, no! No..." He said, slightly bending his knees. "Stay where you are, I don't want you to get spat in his face also..." He looked at me, embarrassed. About thirty minutes passed and Luke couldn't find out the problem, so he called one of his friends, who I assumed was also in the band. It was already nighttime by the time his friend arrived. As he stepped out, another guy was tagged along.

"Calum, Ashton... Help me." Luke said desperately. He rubbed his forehead, getting more black oil onto his forehead. I heard him cursing under his breath, causing me to giggle silently. He was still cute, even though he was all dirty.

"Mate, this is the problem right here." The curly haired boy with a really thick Australian accent explained something about cars. I wasn't understanding anything. After a few minutes, they both managed to get the car running. I sighed. At least he could take me home.

"Hi there." Curly haired boy leaned against my window "I'm Ashton, this is Calum." He pointed at Calum who was next to him, smiling at me. I could hear Luke getting into the car furiously.

"Hey doll face. Sorry about your ruined date with Luke," Calum pouted "But hey! I swear Luke is a funny dude. He likes to have a good time and he gives great massages, so don't worry." Calum smiled at me, but I noticed he winked at Luke who just rolled his eyes at him.

"Guys, thank you so much. It was really nice meeting you both. You guys should come by the Cafe sometime with Michael or Luke!" I smiled at Luke who just stared at me blankly. After a few minutes, we were driving back to my house. I wanted to tell Luke it was okay, that it wasn't his fault at all, but he didn't say a word the whole way back. Maybe that was a sign that I wasn't supposed to invade his personal space, I'd be really embarrassed too if it happened to me. We finally stopped in front of my house and I looked down at my hands in my lap, playing with my fingers. I could feel the uncomfortable tension inside the car.

"Hope." Luke finally spoke, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I'm so, so, so, so sorry... This was a disaster." He sighed. I placed my hand on his shoulder, smiling at him.

"Stop, it was okay. You don't need to apologize."

Luke nodded, looking down, then looking back at me, smiling softly. "See you around?"

"Definitely." I smiled. "Bye Luke." I said, shutting the car door.

Monday // 11:36 A.M

"He just said 'See you around'? That's it?!" Jessie scoffed. I shrugged, cleaning the counter.

"Yeah, Jess" I sighed "That's it."

"But... But... Has he texted you?" She was freaking out.

"No." I simply answered. I tried not to think too much about it, because it made me feel kind of sad. Luke hasn't spoken to me ever since he left me home. I don't know, I thought that maybe he'd try again, but I guess not. Jessie kept rambling on about how she was disgusted and whatnot, making me laugh a little.

"Hey there pretty lady." We heard the sound of Michael's voice come into our ears. He was looking at Jessie as he said that, making her blush. "I'm just here to ask you for your number. I wanna take you out." He smiled wide at her, showing all of his teeth. Jessie quickly wrote down her number, handing it over at him. "Thanks. I'll text you today." He waved at us, almost leaving.

"Michael, wait!" I ran over to him, who was practically outside of the door. "Where's Luke...? I haven't seen him ever since Friday... He hasn't texted me either..."

Michael looked at me like he was apologizing with his eyes. He rested his hand on my shoulder. "Hope, he's so embarrassed about what happened. Give him time, I'm sure he'll come around. He thinks you're different." He winked at me, causing me to roll my eyes, smiling. "If he doesn't show up around here or anything, I promise I'll get him out of his shell for you."

I thanked Michael for that. If Luke was ignoring me because of one simple "disaster", which wasn't even that bad, I'd help him give it another chance. I wasn't going to give up easily on this, Jessie didn't give up and voila! Michael showed up of anywhere (probably hell) and just asked her for her number.

I'm not giving up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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