"It's amazing" I replied. "How come no-one has bought this house yet? The price might be a bit high but it's definitely worth the money" I added while walking into the master bedroom. It was a relatively large room with a king sized bed in the centre against the back wall. The walls were painted cream except for the one the bed was against, it had black wallpaper a with silvery-white flower pattern, the floors were again real dark wood with a worn out look to it. 'No wonder this house is dear it's extraordinary' I thought to myself.

I hadn't even realised the sales woman had been answering my previous question I picked up, the words 'dear' and 'too secluded' so I just smiled and nodded in agreement. My phone started to vibrate in my pocket so I pulled it out and looked at the caller ID.

*One Missed Call*

Hazza X

*Incoming Call*

Hazza X

I declined the call and switched off my phone putting it back in my pocket as I didn't want to answer in case he found out what I was up to.

"There is an on-suite bathroom to the left as you can see another room then the garden too look at shall we carry on?" The woman explained obviously getting impatient as we've been out for about 6 hours at least.

"No there's no need for that" I replied "I'll take it!" I added rather enthusiastic that this will soon to be mine and Harry's new home, that's if he's opposed to moving, hopefully he is.

The woman gave me a large smile while gesturing me downstairs to fill out the paperwork. We sat down on the leather couch and she pulled out all the necessary paperwork and placed it on the coffee table in front of us.

[A/N]: Like I mentioned earlier I know nothing of this legal stuff so I'm just going with what my mind creates.

"Right the house will cost around £200,000 but I can do you an offer of about £175,000 seeming as though no-one has bought this house in the last 6 years. You would pay off the house with a mortgage but it does require a 10% deposit of around £17,000. The house is fully furnished so everything here is yours once bought you just bring along all your own personal items with you" She explained.

I wasn't paying to much attention as I was to excited knowing this will hopefully be moving in here by next week.

"That's perfect and yes I can pay the deposit I've been planning this for a while so I've saved up some money"

"That's great will you need any help moving in?" She asked me while sorting out several document for me to sign.

"Nope I only have four days left to show my husband so we'll most likely be bringing our stuff down ourselves" I replied.

She handed me a pen and several documents to sign, it was truthful enough to say I was ecstatic about purchasing the house. After I signed my signature she handed me one more sheet to add my bank details on to take the deposit and put all the papers back in her briefcase.

"The house in now officially yours Mr Tomlinson, congratulations" She said while standing up and shaking her hand. She handed me the keys and walked out with a huge smile plastered on my face.

(Harry's POV)

I woke up at around 9am to find a cold empty space where Louis normally is. I walked to the bathroom to find it empty as well as all of downstairs. I went into the kitchen and put the kettle on while picking up my phone to see if he had text me. Nothing.  I decided to ring him but got rather annoyed when it went to voicemail. I finished making my tea and sat down on the couch turning on the TV and sat waiting for Louis to come home. Maybe he's just gone to the shops.

I decided to ring him again so I typed in his number and pressed call. It rang about 3 times before going to voicemail. "The fuck" I muttered to myself while pressing re-dial, it went straight to voicemail. The bastard switched his phone off. I threw my phone angrily on the couch and sat down again.

*Eight hours later* (Around 8pm idk I'm bad with time)

Angry wasn't even the word. I was pissed. Louis has been out all day declined my call then switched his phone off. I was a little worried at first that something might have happened but although Louis looks quite weak he can definitely defend himself.

I was sat on the couch again frowning at my phone and flicking through the channels on the TV when I heard the door being unlocked. I stood up quickly and shut off the TV standing a few feet in front of the door. It opened and sure enough Louis was walking in with a wide smile which made me even more angrier.

"Where the fuck have you been!" I yelled at him, more anger boiling inside of me.

Four Years (Larry Stylinson AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz