Chapter FortyTwo

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Warning! A mature scene ahead. You can skip to the next bit if you wish, I made it so your not lost if you wish to skip it.

Asher's POV
Tears stain my cheeks and drip down onto my shirt as Hana and I sit in my car at a park. After seeing me leave, dad would automatically go to the place where he thought I was to chew me out more so I decided to not even go home.
"You can stay at my place."
"You're dad wouldn't let me stay in a room all night with you."
"Yeah he would. He may seem to be a little over protective around me but he still trusts you Asher. He's just on guard because of..." I nod to her, understanding that she doesn't want to mention him. The streetlights flicker on as the sky turns to a darker color and I run a hand through my hair.
"We should probably get you home..." I raise back up fully and reach got the keys in the ignition. Hana reaches over and smacks my hand away, holding my right hand into hers as she makes me look her in the eyes.
"No. We're not leaving until your okay. I don't want you to still be emotional and have to go home to just go through the same thing again. I want you to have your strength back to you before having to go through those questions. I know how it feels to be out on right in spit but for you it must be a lot more harder. Considering g you had a great relationship with your dad and your innocent.... Literally." She smiles at me and props her chin onto her hand, leaning against the center console." So your still a virgin?" I nod and she smiles slightly, before raising back up and placing her hands in her lap." I think that's sort of hot."
"Yeah, you and your brother. A long with every other kick and popular person of the school. Apparently all the guys like robbing girls of their v- cards. Your brother told me about it during school one day."
"Well.... Asher. If you know your innocent don't get worked up about your father yelling at you. Yes it hurts because how he's saying and suggesting those things but that makes him in the wrong. He should be the one feeling bad. It'll be okay."
"Promise." I smile at her as she does as well, and she unbuckles herself before sitting up on her seat, still facing me.
"We've been at the park for abut three hours now. I say people have already warned the police that two teens are getting it on in their car."
"And?... So what?"
"We should probably go somewhere else. I don't want one to come up and just see me in tears with a family McDonalds box in my car."
"Well... Then let's give them what they came to stop." She climbs over her seat, and crawls into my lap. Her legs straddle around my waist, our chests touching from the closeness. She smiles down at me and whispers," I'm taller than you right now." I make no reaction, still frozen from her sudden placement and she smiles before moving her hair back and making our lips collide. Her hands go behind my head, pulling me so our faces have no more distance between them. I place my hands into her hips and let them roam down to the backs of her thighs and she lets out a moan into our kiss and licks my lip, asking for entrance. I let her tongue slip in, our kiss becoming deeper while the both of of explore the other mouth. I grip into her thighs harder when she tugs into my hair slightly, making her moan again." Asher...." She slides her hand up under my shirt and cups her hand around the metal bar of my bra and squeezes at my ribs. She breaks off, catching her breath before smashing our lips back together, her hand slowly going to my back and wrapping her fingers over the clasp of my bra. I stiffen as she begins to move her hips, causing her to rock me slightly and our hips to move back and forth as one.
A moan fills the car and my cheeks become a deep red, realizing that the loud and raw sound had came from me. Hana only grins against my lips before fastening her pace, making a jolt to go through my insides and fill my stomach with a heat and want.
"Asher..." Hana moans out, her hand removing from my bra and going to the waist of my jeans. I gasp when her hand touches my now exposed skin and goes inside of my unbuttoned jeans. Her fingers touch the wet skin making a low moan to come from the both of us." Asher we should stop. I'm not going to be able to if we don't right now." I bite my lip as my hips rock back and forth with her hand, her eyes meeting mine, her eyes darker than usual from lust and her pupils dilated. I nod and use up all my strength to pull her hand out, the tips of her fingers being wet and shiny, a low moan coming from her at the sight. She slowly raises up off of me and climbs over to her seat." God this is going to be torturous to have to deal with until I get home."
I nod, staying silent as I close my eyes, waiting for the throbbing to stop." What the hell..."
"I know, I'm sorry. I remember what it was like when I first went through that."
I shake my head and freeze as I look up out of the windshield. The man from the party stands in front of the car, mouthing hanging open as he looks between the two of us." Shit." I hiss out and make eye contact with him as a smirk begins to come to his face.


"That ladies was one hell of a Christmas gift. I can't wait to see what I get for my birthday."
Hana and I stand frozen I front of the man as he smirks between the two of us." Maybe next time I can join?"
I scowl at him, what had all just happened coming back to me. Hana and I talking to making out, where one thing led to another and hands were places and hips were rocking. Then shortly after me seeing Blade looking in on us, clearing had seen the whole performance." Shut up. What the fuck do you want?"
"Well... At first I was coming to check on you. I had seen you in the window and recognized you from the restaurant and thought I should help you out. I thought that you had broke down or something. That your engine or something had broke. But it turned out you had to extra engines, nothing seeming to be able to rude perfect. Maybe I should do the right thing more often if I get gifted upon with something like that." He glances down and whispers," You're pants are still unzipped love."
I blush deeply and hurriedly put the button back in a zip them up, his chuckle filling the parking lot in affect." Can you just please keep that to yourself? Please? I-"
"Don't want your father to know that your not the perfect little Virgin he thought you were? I understand. I won't say anything."
" I'm a virgin." I say defensively and his eyes widen as he looks at me.
"So I just witnessed your first time with that kind of action? Sweet. Though I must say I'm impressed. You looked like a pro grabbing her ass and shit."
"Shut up." Hana grumbles out, catching his attention." So you won't tell anyone? And we can just leave, not a word being said?"
"Yep." He says popping the I and smiling at the two of us." On one condition. Asher here has to agree with me on something." I squint and he goes on," You must agree that in the future you will listen to whatever important thing I may have to tell you, and consider whatever it is I tell you to do. Maybe even having to do it."
"What is it?"
"I really don't know how or when it will go down, but it will. And don't worry. It has nothing sexual related- if you don't want it to be of course. Which you may want at the time. It also has nothing to do with doing drugs or anything in that category."
"What?" I say turning to her and lifting an eyebrow up." I haven't told dad anything yet and I don't want him to find it out after the argument we had today." She frowns and looks away as I turn back to him." Deal."
He smiles and take my hand into his, giving it a firm shake." Nice doing business with you. And no braking my toe didn't earn you a discount." With that he sticks his hands into his pockets and begins to whiskey as he walks away from us." Have a nice night hotties. Great play, the suspense was amazing. I like movies that can make me feel things. And trust me- that one did."
I stiffen as anger begins to boil through my veins, but I make no move, not wanting to chance ruining our deal.
"Asher, I don't think it was smart to make a deal with him."
"Well I'm pretty sure this is the last time I'm going to see him so I don't really have to worry. And plus, he said their was nothing but sexual or drug related to whatever he was talking about."
"Yeah, but he didn't say anything about doing something illegal. And I just don't like the way he looked at you. As if he knew something you don't..."
"He probably does. He was at the restaurant where dad was invited naming he probably knows a lot of things. But I can't ask dad about it without telling him everything."
"And now is t the time to tell him. I get it." She takes a deep breath and rubs at her forehead, glancing back at the car." Hopefully he just forgets about or something."
"Yeah...." I drift off and begin to walk to the car door. I keep telling myself that I'll never see in again and that I don't need to worry about the favor. But something tells me I'm going to be seeing this man a lot very soon.

Hello my beautiful people! Question: did anyone feel uncomfortable reading this chapter? It will probably be the only of its kind for a while though, so no need to worry if it did. What do you guys think of Blade's favor? And about Asher's dad and her fight in the previous chapter?
Question: How long have you been writing?
Since the summer of seventh grade, going into eighth grade. So about two years now maybe? Yeah two years.
Interesting fact: I used to tell my old history teacher happy birthday every single day at school until graduation and sometimes when I see her at the grade school I'll still tell her happy birthday.
So please comment, vote, and keep reading my lovely people and I will see you soon!

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