Chapter TwentyEight

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Asher's POV

"Do you want to stay over tonight?" I look up at dad, who's looking down at me as we leave the restaurant." It's been forever since you've stayed at my house."
"I've never stayed at your house."
"Great counter. And theirs always a first for everything. Come on. I have a popcorn machine. Movies. Wifi.."
I bite down on my lip as he opens my door for me and nod, making him smile." Okay... Though you're not going to be interested in what I do on the Internet."
"As long as it's nothing bad." He says and shuts the door after I slide in and goes to the other side of the car as y mom walks out the doors, a large smile on her face. What I learnt today is that if my mother was my age she would not be someone if hang out with. She's your average basic cheerleader at heart. Nothing like me.
She gives dad a smile and sits down in the passenger seat and buckles up as he circles back around and gets in his own seat." Ready?" He asks as he starts the car and mom nods, signaling him to go in and pull out. Dad pulls out in front of a car and I stretch out my back as we pass a group of guys in tuxedos, all smoking cigars. They smirk and smile at the car, some yelling and pointing. I roll my eyes and fall into the seat and slouch as far down as I can go." Tired Asher?"
"Not really. Just throbbing feet and the feeling of not being able to breath deeply in this dress, is making me regret being a girl. Can next time I just wear a tux?"
"Of course. You really should though, I'm being serious. That should be your trademark."
"A girl wearing a suit?" Mom asks and scrunches up her nose and I roll my eyes.
"Yeah. It'll be better than the pieces of cloth the girls wear. Not one street fighter in that building the was a woman wore something that showed less than their back, stomach, and legs. And I'm not going to let you wear stuff like they were so the tux is your best bet. It'd work because how your taller than most girls."
I nod and bite my lip on it." What do they wear to fights?"
"Sports bras and spandex that are practically thongs. It's all mostly for them to get more fans but your not going to use that strategy. You're going to actually earn fans, not bend over an inspect them to come running." Dad looks at me through the mirror and squints slightly." I'll take you tux shopping this weekend. We'll talk discuss the fights tonight at my house."
I nod and close my eyes, the city lights reflecting off the window in the dark making me sleepy." Cool beans."


My body rocks as I'm carried in someone's arms, being carried bridal style because the tightness of my dress. They hold my heels against my back as they open the door and close it behind them." Welcome home Asher." Dad whispers and I smile into his shirt lazily and he jolts me up higher. I wipe at my eyes and yawn gigantically as I lean away from him and he sits me down on a couch." Well guess who decided to wake up. Good nap?"
I nod and watch as he looks down at a darker circle on his shirt." You still slobber? I remember having to always flip my pillow because you'd sneak into your mothers room and steal my pillow while I was sleeping." He I've forgotten to add something at the bottom of the last chapter. If instead of commenting or just wanting to talk about the book, message me on here. I'd love to speak to you all, one on one about the story and get a feel of what you think about it. Just as long as you don't ask personal stuff like' where do you live' or something like that. Or maybe if you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. Maybe, just maybe, we can discuss plans about the story- though I don't plan on spoiling it for anyone. Just throwing ideas I've gotten for the story, and like I have this really awesome idea for a epilogue already and it's looking awesome right now. Though if we do do that, I won't tell you which one I'm choosing considering it'll be a spoiler. Oh! And I've thought of something cool to. Like an hour or two before I update, I'll put up a quote on my wall that symbolizes the next chapter in a way. What do you all think about that? I smile slightly and I do as well." Thirsty?" I nod and he does too before going over to the tv and turning it on." Want to watch a movie? I haven't watched suicide squad yet."
I nod and he sits the remote on the couch and inspects me." What?"
"Do you want some sweatpants?"
"No. Get me a T-shirt and boxers."
He nods and disappears through a white door that leads into a kitchen. They door slowly closes, taking the lighting with it and I sit in darkness as the tv begins to load. Seconds later the app icons are on the screen, along with Netflix and YouTube. I close my eyes and stitch out my back and take my arms out of my dress and slouch against the couch. A beeping sound comes from the kitchen before footsteps echo up the stairs and come up above me. I imagine dad walking to his closet, hands folded as he glances over everything. The sound of his footsteps leaving the room and shutting the door sounds, before footsteps go down the stairs again and a popping sound starts inside the kitchen. I reach for the remote and click the YouTube app before searching in Suicide Squad. Not going to watch it illegally. Just buy it on YouTube and watch it there.
The door opens again and dad steps through and throws me some clothes." Hot coco and popcorn will be done in three minutes." He Ruffles my hair before leaving once again and I let out a sigh before standing up and stepping out of the dress and putting on the clothes. Them being Cookie Monster boxers with a black T-shirt. I'm so stealing these boxers... I get the dress and fold it on top of the fire place and lay back down on the white leather couch, this time more comfortably. Thumps come from all places of the house as dad does whatever he's doing until after five minutes, he's back holding popcorn and hot coco in a try and blankets over his shoulder. His clothes are now the same as mine, but plaid boxers instead of character and a grey sweatshirt instead of a T-shirt." Let the slumber party begin."
I smile at him and happily take the cover and place it over me, leaving side room for dad and lay my hot coco on the table beside me as he sits beside me." If I fall asleep, wake me up. I'm not going to miss this movie."
"But you have school tomorrow. I don't want you to be tired while at the most important place to you."
"My most important place is hanging out with you dad." I tell him and at my head on his shoulder, wrapping my arms around his chest.
"Awh, Asher." He taunts and wraps his arm around my shoulder." Dad loves hanging out with you too. And don't worry. If you get spooked by any killing, daddy's here and will let you sleep in his room tonight."
"Good. Because I've never watched violent movies before." I say sarcastically and snuggle deeper into his side as he grabs the remote and clicks the movie.
"I know. I just wanted to make sure you were old enough to witness anything like this. I just couldn't imagine you comprehending violence before now." He says playing along." Next thing I know you'll be being apart of the violence making. Tell me. You would t beat up old dad would you?"
"Only if you keep on keeping all that popcorn to yourself."
Short I know but I'm having schedule problems with having time to get on wattpad. So I came up with a solution and they Cahill be getting longer by tomorrow. Even though this is just a fun chapter to just have something to read to get to know the characters and their relationships better. How has your all's day been? Mines been okay.
Question: 1000 reads?
That's not really a question but yeah! 1000 reads! That's a major deal to me and I'm honestly surprised that I've gotten that many. Thank you guess for those who are voting, commenting, adding this book to your library and reading lists, and reading it. It means the world to me that I'm able to write a story that people enjoy, and can be entertained by so I'm excited that I got this many.
Interesting fact: Im going to start writing in a notebook while at school when I have time, so I can make these chapters longer and published quicker. I also wrote faster when I'm actually writing and not looking at a screen, so the content might even be better. Who knows?
So again I apologize and I'd to thank everyone for being apart of this journey with me and being patient, it really means a lot. See you later beautiful people and please comment( anything you want. It can be the most weirdest thing because honestly.... I like weird) vote, and keep reading( which lately the chapter have been short but I'm going to force myself to change that so don't worry).
Views- I'll just update tomorrow.

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