Chapter 4

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"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners that make our soul gardens blossom." -Marcel Proust

Chapter 4:

"It's only a little while away from here, how far can you go without falling on your feet again?" Jack asked as he laughed at my clumsiness. For the first time, I was flushed in embarrassment because of someone's teasing... in a good way. I actually liked this feeling. How was it that Jack looked at me and not called me a name yet? I was waiting and waiting for the 'Ugly Betty' to come or even a murmur 'disgusting', but there was none. Why?

As I watched Jackson's laugh and smile on the way to his house, I noticed that Jackson was different. He was different from all the other cute guys I have met in my life before, but that didn't mean that he was going to have a great personality. So far, there was nothing to conclude that he was a horrible, arrogant, snobbish person... yet. I had to be keen for any signs that showed this was all an act. If I didn't go in too deep with this 'new found friendship' of ours, then I would never get hurt when he would suddenly tell me that this was all just a prank to lead me on. That was what I was afraid of the most. That all this happiness that I haven't had in years would just disappear into thin air, and I would wake up to find that it was all a dream.

I didn't want that to happen. Maybe if I learned and hung out with him more, I would see the joke before he pulls the strings. Repeatedly, I told myself to not get in too deep with this. If I were to get

close with him, then I would have to bring up some of the acting skills that I have pent up in me. Daniella, Trish and Frita knew how great I was, and never liked me on stage. They believed my face and my talent didn't mix. They threatened me if I dare expressed it. Well, this was my time to. Two could play at this game.

I turned to Jackson and gave him my brightest smile.

I could have sworn my heart rate picked up when he returned it.

His smile was too perfect...

** ** **

"Why are you frowning?" He asked as we came to a clearing just outside of the woods. I have never been to this part of town before. There seemed to be lots of land for each house and I squinted to see his neighbor's house. Well great, if he just happened to plan a murder for me tonight, I wouldn't be able to scream for help.

"Oh nothing," I replied and continued to follow after him. I gaped at the size of his house. Saying that it was large would be an understatement. "You live in the rich side of town?!" I screeched, not bothering to keep to myself anymore. This was too much! He had a mansion as a home, as I glanced at him, I saw a slight smirk form on his lips. He knew this would be my reaction! Still, you had to admit that the house was nice. It was elegantly designed for the perfect family that would live inside. I never been inside a mansion before. Oh, how today had so many surprises... what next?

Then I remembered to ask him before we went inside, and stood in front of two red big doors that would lead us inside of the house. "Um, Jack." I whispered, just in case anyone happened to be watching or listening to us.

"Yeah, Diana?" He smiled, his hand on the door. My eyes widened as my heart fluttered nervously. I wasn't sure how I was going to approach his wealthy family with my tattered clothes. I reached up to stop his hand from fully opening one of the doors. I pressed myself against it and looked up at him, biting my lip a little.

"What exactly... is the size of your family?" I gazed into his beautiful eyes as he stared back into mine. He then finally noticed the nervousness I felt and chuckled a little.

"I have a baby brother, he's not exactly a baby, but he's nine. That's basically my whole family besides my step-dad and mother." He spoke with that deep tone of his, adding on a hidden charm in his words. I noticed the way his eyes sparkled when he spoke of his brother; Jackson must love him a lot. Then, I remembered that he said step dad. What happened to his real dad? I inhaled a sharp breath of air and glanced over at him. He didn't seem to be upset at his step dad, but I still couldn't help but feel sympathetic. I turned my head so that he wouldn't see me doing that. I knew that some people didn't like when other people tried to show their sympathy for them. It made the person feel weak.

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