Chapter 1

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After being tormented by others for what seemed like decades, the question was always stuck in my head. It was always lingering there and haunting me since the beginning. I didn't know the answer of course, because I just couldn't make a choice. What was there in life or what was left? Should I stay or should I go? Before today, I would have answered, "YES! GO! LEAVE! DIE! NOONE CARES!" And now I am starting to regret thinking things like that. Regret shouldn't be on my mind right now. Why is it because of him that answering or responding to something that I longed for, be so difficult? Ever since he waltzed into my life, everything seemed to have changed. I realize that now, looking at the situation I currently put myself in. Standing on top of Manatage Way Bridge, I knew that I needed to move quick before he arrived.

To be or not to be? That is the question.

Chapter 1:

"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?" Frita exclaimed on the auditorium stage, practicing her lines for the audition of Juliet. I cringed where I sat, in the corner that was all the way in the back. Whenever class started, this was my seat. It was shaded and dim, so that from the front, you wouldn't be able to recognize my face. Or even note the fact that I was even there.

"Bravo Frita! Your acting skills are perfection- as usual." Daniella clapped as she doted over her best friend in awe.

I ignored the pain that pinged in my chest, seeing Daniella fret over Frita like that. Back in the second grade, Daniella and I were the best of friends that never left each others sides. It was that typical 'BFF' relationship that youngsters would usually have when they were of that grade. But then, as time went on and she started going through her puberty before I did... Daniella eventually just left.

Having bigger boobs, a cute face and tons of money was the advantage that Daniella had over me before she dumped me for more better looking friends. The better looking friends being the primer popular kids. They were all your stereotypical populars with the perfect looks, all athletic and just basically 'perfect' at everything they did. Yet, in my eyes I knew that they weren't.

I felt as if I was the only one who saw the popular kids' true colors. The whole student body was almost hypnotized and I always hid from them for two reasons. One, being that I was constantly tormented for my looks and two being that I just didn't want to change to be liked. That was the thing these days it seemed.

Sighing, which I made sure to keep silent as I thought more of my horrible life. Daniella wasn't the most popular girl in school, but she was the third. The other two were possibly more cruel, snobby and bitchy, than Daniella. I almost choked on my disgust for them- Frita and Trish. They all wanted attention, especially from boys. They kept their legs and mouths wide open, and to me, their brains completely closed shut.

I rolled my eyes just thinking of those three girl's stupidity. Even if they combined their brains together, I bet it would only come to the mere size of a peanut. I, myself wasn't some wise-witted intelligent girl that studied for hours a day, but at least I passed my classes with A's and B's. This class though, theater, was my worst. The teacher would tell me, I never participated, but it wasn't like that was my fault. It was those devils on stage that made me invisible. They wanted to eat me alive every time they saw me and though, I would tell a teacher, not once did they believe me. They too, after the student body, were hypnotized by those witches.

If I even dared to show my face in front of them, there was no doubt in my mind that they would beat me and kick me to a pulp with their high heels. I can never lift one finger because if I did, the beating would be worse. They would even get their jock boyfriends to come bruise me up a bit. I never cared for my looks and not once looked in the mirror for a long time. For a while or being tortured by the cruel popular kids, they battered it into me that I was truly horrifyingly ugly and that there was no one in the world that loved me.

To Be or Not To Be? That is the Question.Where stories live. Discover now