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Lightning made her way to the hidden place where there's a bench. She was staying there as long as she want to. She can't believe what just happend today, She removed her high heels from her feet then throw it away. At least Lightning relief a bit after she removed her high heels. She refuse to think about Hope and Alyssa dancing together instead  about her life. Lightning thought she needs more attention to her life that soon will be crushed by her own feeling that is getting out-of-control.


After the dance ended. Hope pushed Alyssa slowly.

"I need to find Lightning"

Hope who just noticed that Lightning is not at her place wanted to find her.

"But Hope I need to talk to you about something" .

"Not now"

Hope refused to talk to Alyssa, he walked away from Alyssa and go approached to Fang and Vanille.

"Hey have you seen Lightning" asked Hope.

"Nope, she was just right here when we're dancing then WOOSH she's gone" said Vanille.

"Oh okay thanks"

Hope continued his searching, he approached to Serah that  looks like she was thinking about something, her face was full of confusion.

"Hey Serah"

Serah realised that someone approached to her. She turned her head to see Hope.

"Oh hey Hope, I see you dancing with Alyssa"

Serah puts a weak smile on her face.

"She forced me, actually I don't even feel like to dance" Serah Laughed.

"Btw have you seen Lightning??" Hope asked her.

"Oh yeah she goes that way but I don't know where she went after that"

Serah pointed her finger to the direction that Lightning went.

"Thanks Serah!" Just about Hope want to start moving Serah stopped him:

"Hope Wait!"

Hope turned his head to Serah.


"Have you ever notice my sister is  getting really weird?"

"To be honest, I kinda noticed it too, Why? Is she sick or something?"

"No im just asking, maybe she in her period mood"

"ooh that explains why she's so sensitive"

"Sensitive like crying and gets jealous too quickly?"

"No, just crying"

Hope doesn't even realise that Lightning is actually jealous of him and Alyssa together.

Suddenly Fang and Vanille approached to them

"Hey Hope, Its  time for us to go, Vanille forgot to feed her cat" Said Fang.

"Okay im going to go get Lightning, Bye Serah hope you and Snow having a wonderful life together if you need any help or Snow do something to you call me okay?"

Hope walked away from them and kept looking for Lightning. He saw Lightning sat on the bench while closing her eyes. She looks really tired. Hope approached to her.

FINAL FANTASY XIII: To Light,Love HopeWhere stories live. Discover now