Chap. 1

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"Ghost's" Thomas say.

"Do exist. They might be grey-blue-white." John answer.

"Scary. Description." Thomas translate John words.

"Sorry, I forgot it. I always forget..." He shakes his head.

"It's okay, no sorry about it, you shouldn't apologize like that everytime." Thomas let him. They hear footsteps getting closer, someone knock the door and then John get into the closet. They were sitting on the bed before the footsteps. Thomas' mother get into the room without permission.

"Hey, what was you talking about? I heard you." She knew about John.

"I was talking with John. It's a private conversation." Thomas reply his mom in a rude way.

"Oh, sweet... Please, don't forget you have a consultation with doctor Patrick tomorrow morning." After saying that, she leave the bedroom with a sadly-fake smile on the face and something yellow-blue-red in her eyes, now he forget the word. John get out of the closet.

"Doctor Patrick?" John frowns.

Thomas nods, slowly.

"I really hate him. Like, It's very different of 'don't like', you know? I don't like grapes, I don't like malls, I don't like black. I hate Patrick. See the difference? He remind me where I'm from. And it's all blue-black there." John says a little annoyed.

"I can't even try to imagine" Thomas  thinks for a second and want to never have said it.

"Don't" John says abruptly. "Never try to imagine that again."

"Sure. Sorry." Thomas winces.

"Good." John say. "Well, but I still uncomfortable about the doctor..."

"Do you want to go back for Doctor Landom?" He asks sarcastically.

"No!!! I hate him even more then Patrick. I will kill you if it's not a joke." John apoints me.

"It's a joke." We laugh a bit and then he holds my hand and press his lips against her.

"It was... A bad joke." John sound a little irritated.

"Yes, it was. Sorry about that." Thomas stare John a bit and realize how charming he is.

"Don't joke like that again. Your mother can hear you accidentally and move you back there, and I just can't let you go there once again."  He seems uncomfortable, like it was a very important fact Thomas goes back there.


"Hey, Thomas, how are you feeling today?" Doctor asks like he always do.

"Same."  Thomas answer like always too.

"Are you talking with your parents? They are very worried about you, Thomas." He was trying to get his attention.

"They aren't." Is only what Thomas say.

"Why you think they aren't?" Now, Patrick was with his notebook open and he's pen was dancing over the paper.

"They never belived me. They never trusted me. They never spoke correctly with me. They don't talk to me as a human. They don't give a fuck for what am I doing." Thomas was exploding by another billions reasons, but he talked aout the most innofencive ones.

"They would talk to you if you participate of the family gatherings, or something that envolves you all. They are really doing the best they can to be your friends." He is trying to get into a new topic. Thomas allows.

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