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And at that moment I saw the life leave her beautiful eyes, even if she was not dead. His body crumpled to the ground, just like that. The blood slowly pooled around him and the tears trickled silently down her face as she stood. She had to face the harsh reality - he was dead - and it was completely her fault, yet she felt no regret.

Silent tears continued to fall down her face as she brought herself to her feet and began to walk; only she walked in the wrong direction. Rather than going home, she walked as far as she could, trying to get as far away from his body as she could.

Cars drove past as she walked slowly, her white gown dragging across the pavement behind her. Soon, her tears ceased, and that permanent dull look in her eyes finally set in; but she just kept walking. The city disappeared behind her and opened up slowly into fields and forest but she didn't rest. This girl, splattered in blood, just walked.

Exhaustion began to gnaw at her as night left her and the sun slowly roze, casting shadows over the roads she walked along. It had been hours, yet she walked unfazed, unaffected by the thought of how many miles she had walked. People stared from their cars and slowed down next to her - trying to talk to her, to help her - but she just stayed quiet. She set her eyes forwards and let her feet carry her.

The city disappeared over the horizon as she continued to walk, now only meeting the endless fields of the countryside. Her feet dragged along the hot pavement and she soon abandoned her heels, walking barefoot along the concrete. None of it fazed her, she walked, like nothing was wrong, even though the world as she knew it was falling apart.

The sun soon stood, beaming overhead, and sweat began to form on her forehead. She only pushed on, wiping at her face occasionally. For hours and hours she walked, again well into the night until she had finally reached a bridge. Reaching the middle, she collapsed onto her knees, grasping the red rusting bars desperately. "I'm a murderer."

Shaking, she took her hands and desperately tried to wipe the blood from them, tried to forget that she had murdered him; murdered her true love. Yet, the blood only stained her hands, leaving the remainder there permanently. Tears again began to fall as she curled in on herself, attempting to hide from the world, hide what she had done.

For the rest of the night, she sat crying. When she finally wiped the last of the tears from her face, she stood leaning over the bridge to look at the canyon below her. It was dark, the bottom invisible in the moonlight.

With a shaky breath, she climbed up onto the ledge of the bridge, grasping desperately at the beam next to her. "Murderer's don't deserve to live." Her last words rolled off her lips, as she took her last step off the ledge, letting herself tumble down into the comforting darkness of the canyon.

A/N: I know this is very short but I find it an interesting little tid bit. This was a quick 10 minute prompt, which is why it's so short sorry!

Short Stories.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon