Beauty In Art

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A/N: I am not very happy with this particular short but the idea is wonderful and I would love if anyone else had another interpretation of it!

I fell in love with art. When I was very young, I can remember how much I loved to draw and colour, but as I grew older, I gave it up. It was about 7th grade when I fell back in love all over again though. Seventh grade is when the pictures appeared. I can remember in clearly even today.

It was so long ago now but the first time I saw them is still so clear in my mind. I was in class, mathematics to be exact and slacking off as usual. That's when it appeared, lines and markings started appearing all up and down my left forearm. I stared at it, cause I was in utter disbelief at what was happening. When it was finished, I saw a beautiful flower in such intense detail. It was gorgeous to say the least but, I just didn't know where it came from.

I scrambled for a pen, wondering if maybe someone else was doing this. If there was some special connection between us that caused their art on their skin to appear on mine. I scrawled the messy words underneath, "You draw beautifully." And I waited, very patiently for what was to come.

Happiness overwhelmed me when, words appeared next to mine. It was neat and tidy. Magical was how I would've described it back then. "Thank you, I'll be sure to draw more." And that was only the beginning of that wonderful little friendship.

In those early years, I was always so fascinated by her art but I hid it from others. I never quite knew why it happened. And I don't think she did either. It took a few weeks before I had the courage to confront my mother.

That particular night was on where I asked for her to draw. It was always a simple question. One word on the back of my left hand. "Draw?" And she did. I sat wearing my tank top and shorts and let the ink appear so neatly and smoothly on my skin. By the time I went to show my mum, I was covered from my waist down in the wonderful art.

"Mum, why does this happen to me?" I asked her. Her back was turned to me and I remember her spinning around to face me.

"Elizabeth, why would you draw on yourself like that?" She asked as she grabbed my arm and examined all of it. She traced the lines with her fingers before giving me a stern look.

I shook my head. "No mum, someone else drew them. Not me." I said. I'll never forget the look she gave me, like I was crazy. But i wasn't and I proved it, though it took me a few days. That's when she finally understood and explained.

She sat me down and told me all of the story, and I listen carefully, remembered every word. "You are one very lucky girl. You've been affected by something i thought was an urban legend. In Greek years, they believed that you and your soulmate would share a bond. This bond caused it that, when you used ink or anything to draw on your own skin, it would appear on your soul mate exactly the same. It was supposed to be a legend, and many people have tried to prove it true but never could. But now Elizabeth, you have. Treasure this gift." She said as she caressed my face gently. "Find your soulmate dear."

That day was a happy one for me and it was the day we started to talk online. When I found out, I eagerly convinced her to make an email so we could talk. When she did, I told her the story and we often spoke after that.

I learned much about her over a small period of time. She lived in the same country and province as me, but she lived in a city 3 hours away. Of course that fact was devastating but, we decided no distance was to far.

She also sent me pictures, and I sent her many as well. I always thought she was gorgeous. She was a brunette with wavy hair that fell nicely down to her shoulders. Her bangs were always kept out of her face. Her pale skin brought out her green eyes, and so did her glasses. They were a larger frame and they suited her face but hid her freckles. To me, well she was perfect.

One thing we never did share though was our names. I remember how confused I was. When I tried to tell her my name she told me not to. She wanted it to be a surprise for when we met. We talked for so many years and my sixteenth birthday was when everything changed.

My mother decided, for my birthday since sixteen was so special, she would take me to meet her for the first time. I bubbled with excitement as I packed, but I didn't tell her, I kept it a secret.

We drove for three boring hours. It seemed to drag on but I didn't complain. When we arrived, my mom drove me to a coffee shop and left me there while she went out. I awkwardly sat alone, scanning the small shop before rummaging through my bag for a pen. Messily, on the back of my hand I began writing. "Can you go to the Hexagon Cafe that's downtown?"

She took a few minutes but soon wrote back. "Sure, be there in fifteen but why?"

When I saw the question I froze up but I wrote back slowly. "It's a surprise." Is all I wrote. I knew it was stupid and that she'd figured it out but I waited anyways.

While I say alone, I watched as drawings slowly appeared on my bare legs again. I guessed she was also wearing shorts. It was reasonable because it was hot. As I watched the drawings appeared, I shook slightly in my sat. My body trembled with nervous excitement. I would finally get to meet her.

The drawings stopped and that's when I really started to shake. I knew she was coming in now. My legs danced as I sat in my seat, my eyes scanning the cafe as I looked for her familiar face. I looked down, clasping my hands together to try and stop the shaking.

"Found you." An unfamiliar voice rang out as someone placed a hand on my shoulder. I jumped at the touch nearly falling off my seat. I looked up and that's when instead of shaking my heart was pounding. She was actually standing there in front of me, and not on the other side of a screen.

Unable to contain myself, I stood and threw myself at her, hugging her tightly. "I've waited so long for this moment." I muttered before I quickly moved away. My mind then recalled that she didn't enjoy hugs or people touching her in general. "I-I'm sorry." i mumbled nervously.

She giggled a bit and grabbed my arm pulling me close. Before I could react, this time she was hugging me. My mind spun as she whispered in my ear, "If it's you I'll make an exception."

I smiled as I pulled away. "Thanks, wanna sit down now? I got you a coffee. Two cream, three sugar." I said with a nervous smile.

She nodded and sat down. "I'm surprised you remembered that. I only ever wrote it down once, that's dedication." She said teasing me. "My name is Morella, it's great to finally meet you."

A smile forced it's way to my face as I sat down. "My names Elizabeth, and it's very nice to meet you too."

I remembered every detail of that day, even the scenery on my way home. That first day we met lead to a thousand things. We started dating. Of course she asked me out cause I never had the courage. We also chatted on skype often and she began mailing me artwork. It was troublesome when i ran out of space to hang them up. We were happy and in three years time, I moved out of my house and into an apartment. Six months later, she moved in with me.

Life had turned out amazingly. People always thought us strange in adulthood, both of us covered in pen and marker but I stood strong. I was never ashamed of her artwork or that it was on my skin. If anything I was thrilled. I had found love, true love, and I was thankful for it.

Sure, we started weird and the ink thing was strange enough, but, we got our happily ever after; and soon enough you'll find yours too.

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